When starting a blog you must choose the platform you use to ensure the best blog posting. But there are enough differences between them. Let’s start by deciding whether we will have our own hosting or use a free account on these two platforms. In both cases we use Blogger and WordPress, but with differences. Suppose that we have no hosting (as usual). If we choose WordPress to know in advance that: We can not touch the internal code of our blog, we can only select a design template from the proposals that we offer. We can not advertise (may be the case that we want to get into the world of online advertising and try to earn some extra money).
We will have interesting widgets incorporating them into our blog (read, small utilities in areas we can add our blog, especially sidebars). We can do a good follow-up visits received. If want to use Blogger, we know: We play all the internal code of our blog and our staff select among the many proposals that are free on the Web. The internal code for Blogger blog has its own peculiarities and requires a little training. We add Gadgets to your blog (like widgets WordPress but with a different name, although a little less good than those of WordPress).
We advertise as is permitted by both Adsense (Google) and other companies (remember that we can insert the code you want …). The inclusion of articles on both platforms is very simple and quick. But, depending on what querrais do and your level of computer knowledge can choose one or another platform. Finally, if we have our own hosting we can: Either create a free account at Blogger or WordPress and redirect it to our domain (this possibility exists within the configuration of both). Or, install WordPress our hosting and then yes, touching all the code we want, and to introduce advertising or whatever. It’s yours entirely. My advice: if you do not want to complicate life and do not have hosting: using Blogger. If you master the subject and PHP programming you have a hosting: use WordPress.
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