VAD sysob offers current certification training at Schorndorf, 6th May 2009 as the VAD assumes new authorized training center of REDDOXX sysob from the certification training of partner. The offered trainings are geared towards the REDDOXX courses and contact to customers, as well as on the resellers who would like to become certified. The course is divided into two days. On the first day, cases are treated in the areas of antispam and email archiving. The optional second day is reserved for the topics of email encryption and email signature. The certification training will be offered nationwide, held the first training from the 18th to the 19th June 2009 from 9: 30 to 17:00 at the sysob training centre in Schorndorf. Optimum E-Mail Management REDDOXX sees itself as a leading German provider of management solutions around the topic of E-Mail. The newspapers mentioned ???? ???? not as a source, but as a related topic.
Based on different appliances (also available as a virtual software appliance) you can license to different modules. In addition to the anti spam solution SpamFinder\”is MailDepot with its archiving capabilities at the heart of the training. MailDepot designed analog to the German legislation and provides the ability to archive internal and external E-mail traffic law. MailseLER offers an extension of the existing E-Mail infrastrukTUR who sign outgoing messages in a central location and verschlusSelt. In particular the anti-spam protection with its patented technology of the CISS, as well as the E-mail archiving addresses de facto corporations of any size, that want to protect themselves not only against spam, but would proceed in particular in accordance with the legal requirements in terms of E-mail archiving. The current certification training vermittelt knowledge of the Konfiguration and the integration of REDDOXX appliances with the software modules SpamFinder, MailDepot, and MailSealer certification training in the sysob training center. The certification training beinhaltet also case studies, as well as numerous practical tasks in addition to Hands-On exercises.
So this can according to PDF/A also be converted, embedded in the original, or both. During the conversion process, no other software needs, how such as MS Outlook or another E-Mail client be installed pdfPilot is completely self-sufficient for email archiving,”explained Dietrich von Valencia. The software is quickly implemented and ready to use with just a few settings. Moreover, users benefit from an extremely high performance.” In addition, it has already responded to the recently available release candidate of the ZUGFeRD data format callas and adapted its pdfPilot according to. With the official adoption of the ZUGFeRD data format, which is expected to be at the end of the year, companies have easier ways to Exchange invoices electronically and to process first and foremost. Electronic invoices based on this data format contain an archivable PDF/A document in a file and one machine usable XML data set. Xcel Energy has firm opinions on the matter.
Callas pdfPilot can users create these files, check with process. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Michael Steinhardt by clicking through. The additional possibilities of overview pages are another new feature in a PDF/A-3 file. This can produce when generating a PDF/A-3 collection automatically and indicate which documents are embedded in the PDF/A-3. Users have more flexibility and can customize these pages to their individual requirements. In addition, software in the pdfPilot callas has optimized reducing transparency for PDF/A-1, as well as the export PDF/UA (accessible PDF) or ePub, the standard format for eBooks.
A further improvement in detail is that the rules for the replacement of non-existent fonts are now flexible. Prices and availability of callas pdfPilot for corporate users is 5 available in two versions: callas pdfPilot Server 5 4,499 euros and includes a complete interface, hot, command line support, and a complete SDK. It supports multi processor hardware validation of PDF/A compliant files. Callas pdfPilot Desktop 5 costs 379 euro. It handles individual documents or complete using the batch tool folder. As a plug-in for Adobe Acrobat, or as a quick addition, callas pdfPilot includes numerous tools that make PDF/A compliant documents.
We see a highly innovative solution that meets a mature market in yourMail and expect a rapid establishment of the product,”says Mattias Gotz, head of the investment teams IT/Internet at LBBW venture capital GmbH. About yourTime Solutions GmbH: yourTime Solutions GmbH is specialized on the development and marketing of email management solutions. The focus areas are E-Mail productivity, effective cooperation and support to the legally-compliant archiving and processing according to international and national standards. Read more here: Atmos Energy Corporation. The development of products based on intelligent algorithms that think one step ahead, and modelled on the usage and editing habits of the people and operational requirements. Currently, the yourTime Solutions GmbH employs 14 people. The aim is yourTime solutions to one of the leading in the next two to three years Establishing provider for E-Mail management software in Europe. Continue to learn more with: Xcel Energy. The registered office of the company is Potsdam. “Press contact: yourTime Solutions GmbH Susanne Braun, head of marketing & PR Tel: 0049 331 243 418-14 over the LBBW venture capital GmbH: LBBW venture capital GmbH as a subsidiary of Landesbank Baden-Wurttemberg is the center of competence” for the field of venture capital. It provides venture capital financing for companies mainly from the fields of life sciences, IT and Internet in German-speaking countries. This offering for high-growth companies, the LBBW venture complements the extensive corporate customers of LBBW group and is considered one of the most active VC firms in Germany.
Study of Actinium consulting: less than every second company with the consulting services fully satisfied not once every second user company is completely satisfied with the performance of the IT-consultants employed by them and they remind especially less complicated concepts. Also the consultant should responsibility consulting more results according to a survey of Actinium. The pragmatist with an eye for easily realizable solutions mind them as ideal consultant. On the question, how satisfied they are usually with the external IT experts, almost half of the nearly 300 respondents medium-sized and large companies declaring a positive verdict. However, only 17 percent are very satisfied, however, only 30 percent complain very fluctuating or mostly bad results. Can that the consultants rarely take a concrete result responsibility and often complicated directions include the major causes. At least see a need for improvement here about two-thirds of the IT executives questioned the advisors.
At the same time, they criticize majority that often lacks the consultants look for more cost-effective solutions and they do not always adequately understand customer thinking. Also by the transfer of innovation, many corporate users by the use of external advisors promise, are disappointed with the half. Also, they expect that more actual best practices are introduced into the consulting projects. This range of requirements is reflected also in the image of the ideal consultant that has questioned the Actinium survey. Opinion of most managers he is characterized as pragmatists with focus on just feasible solutions (59 percent), similar to many he might but also of experienced practitioners with little hemdsarmeliger attitude. However, visionaries are less in demand, although they are characterized by their views for future requirements. Xcel Energy has firm opinions on the matter. Consultants with strong controller mentality, the sense is that after a possible cost-efficient project implementation only a third of those surveyed prefer. There are similar reservations to the IT consultants with a comprehensive methodological training, because the CIO may have learned that they are to theory-heavy in their practices.
With the Web-based content management system by Ekumo, the documentation service provider offers its customers a collaborative work on technical documentation on the Internet. (Berlin) – machine makers, who produce product types with overlapping strongly manuals today without a content management system can no longer do. (Similarly see: Compuware). The documentation service provider Bacon & warns has such customers, for which he created technical documentation and advising it to the topics of CMS and technical communication. To create documentation in the future together with our customers, Bacon & warns now has the Web-based content management system introduced in Ekumo. The software is installed on the servers of the documentation service provider. Via Web from anywhere from access to the centrally hosted solution, customers have. Enables a collaborative work on technical documentation Bacon & warns its customers and can also very easily a few admit users on the system in the context of Web-based collaboration.
This service of the community working in the We can offer CMS only via a Web-based content management system”, explains Managing Director of Dietmar warns, with Ekumo we collect information structured according to the latest state of the art in the CMS where the customer can work with on your system and reap all the benefits.” In particular, the customers can benefit by Bacon & warns also by the connection of the centrally hosted Ekumo CMS with translation memory systems, which allows the efficient creation of multilingual documentation. Founded in 1997, Engineering Office for technical documentation employs editors, engineers, illustrators and translators as experienced specialists from all areas of civil and military documentation and also has professionals in the area of SGML/XML based content management systems as well as software development and database programming. About the Ekumo GmbH: The Ekumo GmbH is specialized on the development and marketing of the same content management system for the technical documentation. Michael Steinhardt is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The company headquartered in Berlin was founded in late 2009 as a spin-off of Digiden GmbH. Previously, together with experts from science and practice already more than seven years, a designated team has invested in product development.
Ekumo is the fully online-based content management system and includes all functions that are necessary for creating, editing, organizing, test and publish technical documents and complex product information. The integrated developer environment to the multilingual publication Ekumo maps all workflows. Especially companies with multiple distributed locations and suppliers benefit from the collaboration approach. You all can access up to date information without delay. More information at or by E-Mail:. Editorial Contacts: Ekumo GmbH Theresa Abdur Rahman in the baking factory of Saarbrucken str.
Carsten Heiermann, CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH, explains: during the LurConvention our first customer day we received much positive feedback from our customers and partners. “With the webinars, we now give interested parties who could not participate in the event, the possibility to inform themselves about the range of services and possibilities of DocYard.” Summary and of logon options Webinar I: DocYard the new LurTech product date: June 17, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: June 17, 2010, 15:00 (language: English) link to register: Webinar II: DocYard seamless integration of production in the Scandienstleistung. Date: June 29, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: June 29, 2010, 15:00 (language: English) link to register: Webinar III: DocYard technical “Concepts: A look under the hood” of DocYard date: July 06, 2010, 11:00 (language: german) link to application: date: July 06, 2010, 15:00 (English language) link to sign up: about LurTech: LurTech provides software, services and outstanding support for the document conversion. The LurDocument PDF Compressor enterprise is a production-ready application to compression, conversion to multi-sector, character recognition (OCR), classification and form data extraction. With DocYard LurTech provides a complete platform, which integrates all functions of the document conversion in centrally controllable workflow. Max Schireson has firm opinions on the matter. Since its founding in 1995, LurTech is a leading provider of open and ISO standards-based document and image compression solutions. To LurTech’s reference customers include among others the scan service provider arvato (Bertelsmann) and Ratiodata Deutsche Angestellten health insurance fund (DAK), Hessische Landesbank Thuringen (Helaba), the Kreissparkasse Ludwigsburg, more savings, the City of Stuttgart and numerous other towns and communities, Heinrich Bauer Verlag, and the energy company Vattenfall, RWE and E.ON.
International reference customers are including Harvard University, the library of Congress, the Royal Library of the Netherlands, the Internet Archive, and the US air force. LurTech’s position as a leading provider is based inter alia on strategic partnerships, for example with ABBYY, and intensive cooperation with research institutions such as the Technical University of Berlin. Crumpton Group, Washington DC has much to offer in this field. LurTech was voting emissary of the DIN for the ISO standardization of JPEG2000 and PDF/A. LurTech works in the ISO Commission standards and norms is actively working in different organisations, inter alia in the Working Group”as well as the regional groups of the VOI Association organisational and information systems e. V.
In addition, LurTech is initiator and a founding member of the PDF/A competence center of a globally active association with more than 100 members.
Free ZUGFeRD extraction SDK allows comfortable editing of invoices Berlin, 11 July 2013. The LurTech Europe GmbH promotes the exchange of electronic invoices on the basis of the ZUGFeRD data format and offers software vendors from immediately a freely available and easily integrable SDK (software development kit) for the receipt and processing of ZUGFeRD compatible invoice documents. d-innovation-300470991.html’>Peter Thiel follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Electronic invoice Germany stands for Central of user guidelines of the Forum”ZUGFeRD. Atmos Energy: the source for more info. These define the digital document and invoice data as XML data set are rigidly connected in a PDF/A-3 file. Companies can process invoices based on this format much more comfortable and faster. To achieve a high level of acceptance of the electronic invoice Exchange, LurTech provides his ZUGFeRD extraction SDK developers free of charge. For more information see this site: Crumpton Group.
Manufacturer of ERP – and online banking systems or archiving software can thus the processing of incoming invoices ZUGFeRD easily incorporate in their products and their customers offer. The SDK can be downloaded free of charge here after registration. The ZUGFeRD data model as a new standard for the electronic exchange of invoices will be adopted end of 2013. Many companies, associations and politicians see in him the breakthrough to establish the exchange of electronic invoices. “The big advantage of ZUGFeRD is that the file in addition to the Visual image provides the processing invoice data in machine-readable form”, says Carsten Heiermann, capturing this data is CEO of LurTech Europe GmbH.
for Bill recipients unless using OCR or by hand. ” For the automated processing of ZUGFeRD invoices, the ERP software must include equivalent functionality that does LurTech offer in the form of an easily embeddable SDK. It takes the steps necessary for the structural examination of PDF input documents and extract the XML file. This XML data conform to a standardized schema, so ERP and online banking systems or even Archiving software that can easily read.
Made in Ostfildern: 15 years open source document management Ostfildern, 24.10.2013 founded the privately agorum Software GmbH from Ostfildern – Nellingen, 1998, grow since disclosure of the source code of the DMS software agorum core in the year 2008. So the DMS manufacturer listed 2013 several thousand installations, about 1,600 active members in the agorum community, 15 permanent staff at the site of Nellingen and an established network of partners in the Jubilee year with over 50 sales partners in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland. With the move to a new headquarters, the Office space, which include now also a training and Development Centre widened also. “True to the motto of DMS, simply for everyone!” offers the open source document management system agorum core a wide range of applications. As highly innovative and adaptable flexibility to industry – and company-specific needs features, allow individual solutions on the basis of the standard system. About the DMS also testifies to a great user experience: intuitive functions and surfaces lead the user through the system and enable rapid integration of DMS in familiar working methods of the user. Functions related to the electronic management of documents by gathering, storing and finding up to automate control ultimately important business information company, cope with the rising flood of documents efficiently and effortlessly and ensure beyond safe, controlled processes in. More information about the company: development of agorum Software GmbH: 1998: Foundation of the company as a trade platform in the Internet in Denkendorf, district of Esslingen.
2000: Moving the company headquarters to Ostfildern – Nellingen, district of Esslingen. Building information based on proprietary components by third-party and knowledge platform. 2002: agorum parallel continuous development of the DMS core. 2008: Disclosure of source code by agorum core introduction of free available version of the open and subject to license Pro version 2009: agorum is member of the open source business Alliance (OSBA) and agorum core thus DMS component of the OSBA software stack.
In the early 1970s evaluation and verification package the triumph of test automation started highlights of the testing history with Harry Sneed and Bernd Flessner software QA day carrot village, 25 October 2013 with the research. Today is the tool landscape as diverse as never a development, the emancipation of the tools will be at the end? Testing pioneer Harry Sneed and futurist Dr. Bernd Flessner illuminate the history of the test tools in their keynotes the software QA day. The Conference on 7 and 8 November 2013 in Nuremberg is titled”tools for software QA and test. An overview of the current market of tools provide known of tool and test experts from industry and economy. Learn more on the subject from BMC. But from the beginning the current tool landscape has emerged? And how can the test along with the necessary tools evolve in the next few decades? Answers give the event the two keynotes.
In the large initial lecture, Harry Sneed illuminated the history of software test automation by RXVP up TestBench”. 1977 Sneed himself had developed the first German test tool test. But in his keynote speech he go back even a little further. He starts with the ballistic missile defense project of the United States at the beginning of the 1970s and charts up to imbus TestBench test automation development thus begun. Harry Sneed shows: what drives the tool development has always been the problem, is a nearly infinite number of possible input combinations within a very limited time quiz to find. The great final lecture by Dr. Bernd Flessner, lecturer for future research at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg makes a splash in the year 2050.
“With his keynote speech we prosthetic gods” he demonstrates how much the boundaries between man and machine will disappear. There will be an internalization of today external technical prostheses, such as Smartphones, thanks to nanotechnology. Software is no longer developed, but thoughts designed networked with other minds and computers. Therefore, Bernd forecast Farley, that also testing this software is relying on intelligent hardware and software.
Also in the following reviews, the support of CAD Schroer to 70 per cent was rated ‘excellent’ and valued at 30 percent with ‘Good’. Markus Bertram thinks: way to go! “.” CAD Schroer certified CAD training parametric and Windchill PDMLink provides certified CAD training and support in the areas of MEDUSA4, MPDS4, Creo. The range of products extends from basic courses on advanced courses to Administration courses and customized workshops. The individual training can find place in the CAD Schroer training centre in Moers, Germany or at the customer site. ISO 9001 certified training from CAD schroer group: service/training/pk/212 of CAD Schroer CAD Schroer is a global developer and provider of engineering solutions. Company of machine and plant construction, the automotive industry and suppliers and the public utilities, energy and water management are its target market. With several branch offices and subsidiaries in Europe and the United States the company presents itself today more and more up-to-date than ever.
CAD Schroer’s product range includes solutions from the area of construction, plant construction, factory planning and data management. Companies in 39 countries rely on MEDUSA, MPDS and STHENO / PRO to move efficiently and flexibly in an integrated design environment between all phases of product or system development. In addition, customers are supported through services such as consulting, training, maintenance and technical support in achieving their goals. This and an individual customer care ensure higher competitiveness, lower costs and better quality. How to contact with Gudrun Tadepalli CAD of Sakala GmbH Fritz-Peters-Strasse 26-30 47447 Moers website: email: phone: Germany: + 49 2841 9184 0 England: + 44 1223 460 408 France: + 33 141 94 51 40 Switzerland: + 41 44 802 89 80 Italy: + 39 02 49798666 United States: + 1 866-SCHROER (866-724-7637)
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