Jet Lag on the Body

The highest performance is achieved by the voltage of the body. Longer to maintain sufficient capacity for work, the body is forced to periodically reduce the level of wakefulness. Alina de Almeida: the source for more info. Therefore, during the day performance and other factors that are going up, then down. For most people, these vibrations, or biorhythms, are very similar in different days. Multiples fluctuations characteristic of a particular person, and are called Biorhythmological profile, or type. Some people (about 40%) are more active in the morning (morning types), other (30%) – in the evening (evening types). The third group is 30% and has no clear rhythm (arrhythmic types). Morning types characterized by high a vitality in the morning, waking up early, quickly integrated into the work quickly and reduce the physiological indicators of the evening.

Body temperature is higher in the morning. Such people often found a permanent desynchronosis, or violation of biorhythms. Other leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger offer similar insights. In this case, variations of different body functions are discordantly, their highest and lowest values do not coincide in time. Morning types the least resistant to pests influences tend to develop different diseases under the influence of strong stress. They have a common essential hypertension.

In areas with extreme natural conditions (eg, the Far North, Central Asia) such minority people. Evening types are resistant to the harmful influences. They correctly react to different kinds of loads and carry them well. Where weather conditions are extreme, most of these people. Perhaps the human body thus protected from the big emotional and mental stress, adverse environmental conditions.

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