Media Ideology

It works in favor of the ruling classes and it offers to a false peace its fidiciary offices, locating them in a condition of submission better to be explored in the capitalist relations. Jesus did not participate nor followed this model for Its Church (Its Body), but, the model of Christ was guarded to enhance the model of institutions that use its name to increase its wealth and to support the luxuries of its mercenaries. Fragmentos Biblical I contend the teachings of Jesus are propagated by altars, pulpits, radios and TVs in the objective to articulate the ideas and values of each religious denomination, transforming them into ideological devices of State. ConocoPhillips describes an additional similar source. The institutionalized churches, formed for the disfigurement of the teachings of Jesus use the medias of mass to attract fidiciary offices and to hide the authentic Church of Christ, except the Internet that acts of liberating form for the interatividade between its users. Words key: Institution, ideology, religion, medias.

According to registers Biblical, when approaching the thirty years, and, being responsible for its acts, Jesus it initiated its ministry communicating itself of intrapessoal form with the Father and – directing it the river Jordo – all was baptized by Joo, fulfilling justice. If it did not filiou in the organization of a Fariseus or the Saduceus, nor if it submitted to no human religious statute, but it was instructed by the Espirito Santo that went down on It in the corporal form of dove. After the baptism left in direction to the desert where he was attemped. Having resisted the temptations it initiated concernentes educations to the kingdom of skies, partilhando its knowledge with the disciples and the people, breaching the isolation with the world. It called the twelve first disciples it instructed and them of interpersonal form, in reduced number and particular, separate with they followed that to accuse them it before lei3 mosaica.


In this historical event, God chooses Gideo more and (300) three hundred men to free its people of the Midianita oppression (the descendants of Media). second and third vigil (Lucas 12,38); E, if to come in the second vigil, and if to come in the third vigil, and to thus find them, fortunate is such servants. The narrative enhances as the vigilant servant must behave itself, keeping the lighted candeias and its cingidos lombos (pressed; alert; erect etc.) the wait of its Sir to come back of the Weddings. the vigil of the morning (Exodus 14,24): happened that, in the vigil of that morning, Mr., in the fire column and of cloud, it saw the field of the Egyptians, and took off the wheels to them of its cars, and to fer them to walk dificultosamente. …. The stretch registers one of the innumerable miracles carried through by God in favor of its people. In this episode, it made to open the Red sea (sea of rushes) so that its people crossed in dry, exempting them of the Egyptian slavery.

As soon as the Egyptian cars and knights, the control of Fara, had entered to cross it, it made with that the sea if closed and all had been died. The Romans divided the night in four military vigils; namely: of the afternoon; the midnight one; of singing of the rooster (of midnight ace 3 hours of the dawn) and of the morning. As registered in the Landmark book, CAP. 13.35: You watch, therefore, because you do not know when it will come you of the house; if to the afternoon, if the midnight, if when singing of the rooster, if per the morning. This warning this registered in continuity announcement of the Predictive Sermon, giving prominence for the question of the state of alert (constant monitoring) that it must be observed on the part of all the servants of Gods (Christian? followers of Christ).


Passed some time, you it decides to visit that city similar to see where the martrico act after changed its people of its son, and for its surprise and disappointment, it finds a population that still lives and if it imagines as that the convict, and for its bigger astonishment, adoring, reverenciando that one that was the instrument of its death: the knife. It has rejoinders for all the cantos: greaters, minors, enormous; in the religious building one in real size also meets, of its son dilacerado for the machete blows, and still with the instrument cravado in its bloody heart; it is bent over ahead of the knife; reverence; it is had as amulet of the cars and necks; it is signal of the justeza of the courts. Why reason you more would cry: for the death of the son, or for the proven inoquidade of its great sacrifice of love for those people? They nothing had understood of the meaning of that act. They needily continue living, they still imagine the convict, they arrepiam before the imagination of the arrival of the hired killer already looser, they do not accept at least to speak that already more they do not need thus to live and that she has a new reality of possible freedom, and still above all they reverenciam blindly a death object, in a meaningless cult, without at least abiding itself by the sacrifice, its author and its meaning. I do not intend to attack this or that one creed, especially the church catholic and those that of it participate, but in reality, all and any person who if says Christian, and that it honest searchs to live this reality in its life, has as obligation to refeltir on the direction of its acts of life and cult.

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