
In its never-ending circuit of water that captures and transfers the set of dissolved or suspended substances, it is cleared from them. Official site: Eliot Horowitz. Many of the impurities in the water are natural and come back with the rain or groundwater. The same way and pass some of the pollutants associated with human activities. Smoke ash and industrial gases with the rain deposited on the ground, chemicals and sewage, soil with fertilizers into rivers with groundwater. Some of the waste followed by the artificially created waterways – drainage ditches and sewers. These substances are usually more toxic, but their relief is easier to control than those that are carried in the natural water cycle. World total water use economic and household needs of about 9% of the total river flow. Therefore, no direct water consumption of water resources is a shortage of fresh water in certain regions of the globe, and their qualitative exhaustion.

For recent decades an increasingly significant part of the cycle of fresh water began to make industrial and municipal effluents. For industrial and domestic needs consumed about 600 water per year. Of this amount, forever consumes 130 150kub. km, and about 500kub. miles of waste, so-called sewage is dumped into rivers, lakes and seas.

Important place in the prevention of water resources from depletion of quality owned wastewater treatment facilities. Purification buildings are of different types depending on the primary method of sewage disposal. If mechanical methods of insoluble impurities are removed from wastewater through septic tanks and all sorts of traps.

Space Atmosphere

In the ionosphere particles (hydrogen and some helium) have very large speed, many ionized to strikes (collisions) between themselves can fly a few hundred kilometers. Since the particle velocity is the physical nature of the temperature, the temperature with height gradually increases and may reach 100 – 200 g C. Mentally, you can put the Earth with its atmosphere into some pipe with an axis at a time equal to its velocity vector. In this case, clearly you can imagine how particles hit the atmosphere the particles of interstellar gas. When you hit within the projection of the Earth’s troposphere and the pipe hit and struck particle after a series of clashes remain in the atmosphere before they reach the troposphere, as can be, and to stratosphere.

If a flank attack collisions occur near the edge of the pipe within a range up to 2000 km. Particles of interstellar gas near the edge can slip through the atmosphere is not facing. In the collision atmospheric particle transfers its kinetic energy partly or wholly particles of interstellar gas, depending on the type of stroke: a central or oblique. These particles, changing direction (remember the change of direction the movement of billiard balls, and Brownian motion) with a high speed can fly beyond the tube. As a result, the Earth remains a plume of particles with more kinetic energy, carrying away the heat of the atmosphere. So carried away in the Space solar heat delivered to the Earth, and the heat from other sources.

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