The biggest challenge for those who have lost work is face it and admit that it is an opportunity to be creative. In Chinese culture, they have two meanings for the word CRISIS. The first CRISIS means danger when the person is faced with a situation of adversity and takes consciousness of danger. The second is when making the CRISIS as opportunity to bone when it takes consciousness of the danger and recognizes the opportunity to evaluate their talents and to develop them they use four steps to exit gracefully in moments of crisis and that everyone at this time where labour is scarce can put it into practice in is transitional period by which the world is going: 1-NO LO take as staff – thinks that a dismissal or loss of work incompetence does not reflect, nor shame: what happens is that it is a drastic measure taken by companies at a time when critical of its economy to survive in this crisis.We must sacrifice some elements to hold the majority. . Learn more on the subject from Bryant Estate. 2 – Leaves the door open – scans taking awareness of what happened and look at the possibilities that surround you, as you were acostunbrado to receive biweekly or monthly payment you do not esforzabas to see other options for what is situation invites you to be creative.Is possible that the Cia later you of the opportunity again. 3 – See the opportunity – crises generate opportunities haste questions like do you like to do?, what are good?, what talents do you have?, if you know the pongalas answers in action to develop the activity that you’ve decided to carry out and generates revenue. 4 – I know positive – do not allow that this tropieso by are going through it remove you the hopes for further progress. Remember that fear makes you anticipate and expect bad results and who wait the worst that ever.
For the history of European philosophy and intellect, the philosopher Descartes, further aggravated the vision of the world focused on the man, with his infamous cogito ergo sum, I think, therefore I am. This phrase became a powerful program of action, reducing the spirit to the man’s brain. The rest of the world is inert matter, an animal is not more than a handful of cells that Descartes compared to a mechanism, whose headaches are not more than the screeching of a machine. This contempt for animals finds its continuation in the current Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, which emphasizes the right to the unrelenting male dominance over the other creatures, and gives free without limitation that the animals be used for food and manufacturing of wardrobe, which allows animal experiments and that only condemns the suffering of animals so this contradicts human dignity. (Catechism, Rd.N2417). Nowhere is any Encyclical against cruel treatment in laboratories, in the cages of breeding farms, in transport or in slaughterhouses. Moreover, ecclesiastical dignitaries enjoy bullfights and defend the cruel games with animals during the festive celebrations of the Church. These goats are thrown from a church, are killed as living oracles pigeons tied with explosives and in Christmas massacre unequalled takes place to celebrate the feast of love conveniently..
2 Objectives the target of this article is, on the other hand, to understand the incidence of the moral siege in the women, specifically, in the relations of work, which had to some causes surround that it, and between them the sort inaquality. Of another part, to explore the consequences that this practical is capable to provide, in such a way psychologically to the assediada one, how much economically to the organization. Finally, to search a solution for the problem in question, aiming at the combat to the phenomenon of the moral siege in the work environment, leaving of the suggestion of writs of prevention to be applied in the workstations, and accord, detaching the importance of the construction of the sort equality. 3 Methodology the used method corresponds to the one of the exploratria bibliographical research. Where a bibliographical survey became first, congregating therefore material, as articles, dissertaes, periodic, among others, with the purpose to use them as source of information. In one according to moment, with the subject and the problem to solve already predefined, contact with the gotten documentation was overcome, in order to organize it and in accordance with to select it as the object of study in question adequate, from a scientific informative reading, that possesss the objective to evidence the information, to relate these information with the problem in focus, and finally to analyze the degree of veracity contained in these documents.
For in such a way, this technique is made through stages that if complement, and thus, is made in this order, readings of: recognition, exploration, election, reflection, and finally a interpretativa reading in accordance with the interest to the delimited study. Thus, following this method, a reasoning concerning the considered subject was constructed where the results and quarrels meet to follow it. 4 Results of the Research the results of the research understand the raised data, the organization of the concepts and beddings, and the contextualizao of the study, necessary to understanding and delimitation of the research object.
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