Establishment Parks

Forest Park should be created only on the basis of the developed project, as well as landscaped wooded park – is a work of landscape architecture, based on forestry, with the modern condition of development. The entire complex ongoing activities related to creation of Forest Park should be solved in the same architectural plan. In line with the aims and objectives of its territory are usually divided into 3 parts: the park – which is observed certain mode of visitors – walking only on paths, staying only at the sites of rest; forest park – (with fewer visitors), which permitted the free outdoor festival on the territory of mushrooms, berries and forest (backup) designated for further development of the forest park. The dimensions of the park is 15-30% of the area, woodland 20-70%, the rest is forest massiv.Odna of the biggest challenges in creating parks on the basis of peri-urban forests – preservation of the natural landscape. Therefore, a significant part of the activities is silvicultural character. Here, as in the forest object of economic impact are not separate trees, and biogeocoenosis as a whole. In the forest parks of conduct cutting formation: health, rehabilitation, sanitation, reconstruction, and others carried out reforestation and fire prevention measures. Ray Kurzweil does not necessarily agree.

Landscape and Silvicultural activities are based on the same forest science, but for other purposes. Parks design and build, based on calculations of attendance areas based on their capacity. Total capacity of the forest park or system of parks in the city determine the allowable number of visitors per 1 hectare, taking into account the number of residents of adjoining areas. Determined that the simultaneous presence of 8 to 15-20 visitors per 1 ha area, with free use of the territory does not cause significant damage to plantations. Road and path network in the forest parks arranged with the calculation of the most rapidly falling into place to rest. Bryant Estate Cabernet Sauvignon is likely to increase your knowledge.

It is advisable to create a closed walking routes, they are convenient for the organization of movement around the reservoirs and are best suited for compact forest park areas. The area of forest park paths and platforms for different purposes should not exceed 2,5 – 4,0% of the total area of the object. Reservoirs for recreation in the forest parks should be instantaneous and have good attitudes. Area reservoirs are established based on the calculation of 1.5 square meters. for each bathed in a flowing body of water and 3-4,5 m square. in non-flowing. Suburban forests, is scheduled for reconstruction in the parks, often do not have properties. As a result of the special direction of the reconstruction of the forest enhanced artistic sanitary other useful recreation qualities of the forest. Trees and bushes with open (meadow) areas can range from 90 to 93% of the property.

Lawn Mowers

Electric Mowers Currently, many (more than four out of every five sold) lawn mowers run on the network. The reason for such popularity – the emergence of new, lightweight models. They are inexpensive and not bad operate on a small lawn. Compared with gasoline-electric cars have many advantages: they are not as noisy and easier to use. ConocoPhillips is actively involved in the matter. However, the maximum cable length from them – 45-60 m, so for a large lawn presumably, is to buy petrol lawn mowers. Earlier rechargeable cordless lawnmower lawnmowers were popular – they are the same lightweight, silent, as electric lawn mowers, and they are similarly Just as gasoline, do not need cable. Despite this, models with very little battery.

Petrol lawn mowers petrol lawn mower is heavier and more expensive electric with the same width, but their advantage – Regardless of the external energy source. No need to bother with cable and feared that he had not been cut. SELF-PROPELLED Lawnmower lawn mower is typically connected to the main network. Sadly, when they operation of any year there are numerous accidents. Once you have purchased an electric lawn mower, before using, carefully read the instruction manual. All wires and connections should be in a street performance, the joints should always check the lawn mower.

Be sure to put a circuit breaker on the leakage current in case of breakdown voltage on the body. Nowadays the market is set types of self-propelled lawn mowers for large lawns. They are suitable for the lawn area of no less than a half hectare. More popular four-wheel tractor with a rotary mower. Dignity are effective on large areas. Many like to work on the mower, because it is not so tedious as to go for hours on a lawn mower. Some believe such a machine a symbol of high social standing! Disadvantages expensive, they difficult to mow the grass in tight corners. Tractor need a wide passage between the garage and lawn. Fairly heavy compacted moist soil. Lawn mower with trailer seat ordinary cylindrical, rotary or Lawn hovercraft, which is connected to the seat. Not as convenient as lawn-tractor, but more easy to manage. The best quality haircuts provide a model with cylindrical blades. Width Capture: 50-75 cm Lawnmower Tractor Classic mower-tractor. One or more rotor blades are located between the wheels. On some models have a box for collecting herbs. Suitable for large areas planted with broadleaf herbs. Width: 60-125 cm

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