Throwing Flowers

For all the world's smiles and tears, I was thrown on stage flowers … So, as the author decided to entitle his article, the words of the famous song, performed by singer Bulanova Tatyana Ivanovna, whose work is remembered many of their special lyricism and emotional honesty, sincerity. On the Internet, her fans have created a significant number of sites dedicated to this singer. In this aspect, not a lot of Russian pop stars was awarded to such love and attention of his admirers (like a subtle psychologist, herself Tatyana Ivanovna, clearly differentiates the so-called "fans", and fans of her work). Provide an objective assessment of creativity of artist, writer, singer or musician, sometimes it is very difficult. Until now, are active battles among literary critics about the famous author Paulo Coelho, author of the acclaimed novel "The Alchemist", "Veronika Decides to die ", etc.

Some consider him a genius of the traditions of Latin literature, while others say that his enormous success – it artificially (through technology promotion) and time. But be that as it may be, any literary or music critic, evaluating a particular character, seeks to use in his argument of objective criteria, which were formed in aesthetics and art criticism. Of course, this must take into account that, in general aesthetics and art history, criticism, as the humanities, are in development, form the scientific criteria that are specific to the humanities. In this respect, notably presence of a significant subjective element. Abigail Black Elbaum has firm opinions on the matter. However, at least in Western art history, has long been a tendency for patterns of evaluation that would include a systematic approach.

Photos For Rest And Fun

In modern times, in constant nervous moments and bustle of everyday life, often we tend to sink vast amounts of information that constantly spews out at us, and television and the Internet. And the details of such an amount that simply have nowhere to go. But in fact we have the opportunity to choose. Select only those data that we want to get. And such information, which for some reason is for us important or useful.

Main piece of information that comes with the mass media, television channels whether it is a global network – is informatsiyaprihodit to the two best-developed, according to psychologists, channels of perception Information: This is the perception of the auditory channel and visual channel information. It must be said that visual perception is divided into text, verbalized, and graphic, that is, images. Click Atmos Energy for additional related pages. When we information is required with a good degree of accuracy, as a rule, appeal to the text verbalized information. When in need of information for a good time for relaxation and rest from their difficulties, Funny prefer most. In general, this section of the Internet, which is set aside just this type of photographs, especially gay and that is called, unearthly, that is totally unrelated to our present life or showing her with great, funny side, is the most visited. Is that something might be more interesting than the personal lives of famous people? So it turns out that photo of naked celebrities – this is the easiest way attract a lot of portal users. The primary goal of the photographer in this situation – it's filling at each plot photos are not cease to be a professional. Everyone knows that such nuances as the game of the beam light and shade on the photograph, the use of a color palette of nuances of lighting, and other specific characteristics of photography are crucial for high-quality photos. And even such photographers engaged in activities which has taken a different name from the Italian paparazzi annoying, can not afford to shoot footage, however, at least from a technical point of view, if not morally, one would be proud of.

Anastasia Bauer

At this point the person feels a part of something great, a primitive absorbing elements, which he can control. And all this thanks to the dance! In the two years of existence, the school has become very popular, no longer need to advertise. Acted the principle of 'word of mouth'. People danced even in the locker room and the hallway, where it was obvious teacher. Many television stations and newspapers ('Tonys', '1 +1', 'Blick', 'Art Mosaic', etc.) interested in school, where he first taught not only dancing but also disclose the woman's erotic start, periodically visited the classes.

Two years later, leaning against the wall uniformity, the desire for professional growth and change of environment. Anastasia Bauer has long felt the potential for a great scene, the conquest of the huge audiences to their artistry and charisma. Everything in our life is done on time, and at this time formed a rock band 'Singin' panties'. When he came to the casting, Nastia immediately felt in his plate. All that is needed from the girl, this ability is beautiful, sexy move and be artistic. When producer Vladimir Bebeshko saw her, all he said: 'This is – focus debauchery! What you need! Take !!!'. Suppose it was pretty straightforward, but, precisely because of their sexuality, Anastasia Bauer hit the most controversial and under discussion, the group today. Until now, all the forums that discuss' Singin 'panties' Nastia called the sexiest Woman of the project. Each participant in it differs certain qualities, but in spite of the beauty, charisma and choreography training, Nastia was isolated for its extravaganza sexuality. Finally, again Anastasia Bauer will not only give the fans their expression and shocking at the concerts, but also give opportunity to any girl 'in the street' to master the art of erotic dance from the inside to see and understand the nature of sexuality, explore methods of improve and successfully use it in practice. Who knows, maybe she artiska personally educate their future rivals! In any case, we wish Nastia success in such difficult but important task!


Whatever our literary preferences, almost all of us at least occasionally read purely entertaining books – fantasy, horror, detective novels. And as if we did not like certain writers in these genres, for most of us, such literature is beyond the literature of "real", and the writers, no matter how talented and gifted as they are, language does not turn to call "great." After all, it is impossible to writer, composing a mass literature, has chosen not serious genre, was put on a par with distinguished authors writing in the genre, say, realism, or psychological prose. Of course, everywhere there are exceptions, and writing very real terrors of Edgar Allan Poe is rightly considered a classic, and fiction writer Ray Bradbury was appreciated by the world, but many talented writers are still considered second-rate authors literature. Why is this happening? After all issues raised by the authors of books in the genres of entertainment, often quite severe, and the stories are written so that the book becomes a real shock to the reader. But unfortunately, often happens that know about it only fans of the genre, but most people have a fantasy or horror only a superficial view based on familiarity with mediocre authors. Are of great importance and prejudices prevalent in our society, where intellectual snobbery can not look at things uncomplicated look. We simply have not considered to be a specific genre of "real" literature, and their authors – outstanding writers, worthy of international recognition.

Even world-famous writers such as Stephen King, still considered by many authors only road fiction, bestsellers in paperback. The injustice of this trend there is, after all, in fact, it does not matter what kind of genre writer chose. What matters is that his books have enriched the reader's inner world, not only entertained, but taught. And if the author is able to excite the reader, to make him think seriously about a story, leave a trace in the soul – hence, the task is done and the book that the reader is closed, shaken read, refers to "Real" literature. This is the only criterion by which to evaluate both the writer and the novel. And Stephen King, author of literary horror, according to this criterion is certainly a great writer.

Unfortunately, the picture that there is now in bookstores, very sad. The shelves are crammed with low-grade, mediocre literature, and most of this waste is referred to this genre, which is believed to create easiest. Against this background, even extraordinarily talented, but not too well-known authors, lose the opportunity to fully express themselves, find their readers and get the recognition it deserves. The dominance of a rather gray, and sometimes frankly mediocre writers, and only adds relevance to the so-called entertainment genres. Soorientirovatsya in a variety of modern literatry help book reviews; these resources in a network represented a lot.

Picnic Google

Google has bought another company of services online, has touched to him is Picnik, an application Web of photographic adjustment that allows us to alter images of a very pleasant form and without unloading no type of software, totally online. This way, Google little by little tries to conquer the users, it is obtaining and it, because every time it offers more and more varied services. Google has been decided to buy due to the enormous popularity that this service of photographic adjustment has in the network, affirming its leaders who in the future will be used along with Picasa. Picasa in a photographic service also of Google, which when joining it with Picnik is anticipated that it gives a great jump in the network, because the images and photographies of the users more and more by Internet, and if in addition is allowed the users to alter them, it can get to be quite important in which to popularity for the internauts it talks about. Picnik is integrated in other services like SmugMug or Flickr, but this will not be problem for Google, because it assumes that it will clear to Picnic of these so that the users also do not distribute themselves among them, but only Google will have the east service.

The users of Picnik are hoping with impatience to that he leaves this new service for Google, because with this improvement of their service, the users will have an ample fan of possibilities with Google. As you already see, Google does not stop. Some think that what is making Google is wonderful, because gives an ample handling us of all the information available in the network, however, others do not agree, because they say that they are making a great monopoly that in the end will burst by some side. I do not know what you will think, but the truth is that Google is unstoppable. More information to consult the Web, where there is a connection to another related article. Original author and source of the article.

The Generacion Facebook

Identified as the F generation, the generation of Facebook is a title used to identify those who are growing up in a world where the use of online social networks is common. The use of networking sites online like Facebook are seen as forces that significantly altered the shape of personal development and work in related networks. As a result, the basic philosophy for communication with others is very different from the way in which baby boomers or children of generation X or generation and are today connected with other people. Online social network may or may not coincide with the local group of friends and is considered important in terms of encouragement, support and knowledge sharing. Built tools in sites like Facebook allow users to transmit emotions, share information and interact in ways that are much more efficient than the previous efforts online. With Visual, verbal, oral capabilities that is now common in these sites, the interaction is very similar to a face to face conversation. The popularity of these virtual sites that the monarchy British joins Facebook and creates an account for closer to his faithful and that they may have greater relationship with various members of the British Royal family is so great. Over time, the impact of the Facebook generation is expected to change the way in which companies think in terms of productivity and efficiency overcoming different myths about Facebook.

For example, networking online allows you to generate ideas to be considered among their peers with greater speed, so the merits or drawbacks of a given approach are easily identifiable. This is in contrast to traditional methods that may require more time to fully evaluate an idea through field tests, opinion surveys, and other tools commonly used. The Facebook generation is also more comfortable with independent work. This may mean that the tendency of people to teleworking is growing here instead of riding in a single physical location work can enable a wide spectrum space. At the same time, the capacity of the network can also change the way of approaching the workday and their responsibilities. Instead of dedicating a solid block of work eight hours, periods devoted to work can carry out throughout much of the day and night, on the basis of the tasks that must be completed on a given day.

As the Facebook generation reaches the age of majority, employers can go finding need to adjust their procedures in order to adapt to the different generation F mentality to remain competitive in their markets. Even the educational institutions may find that traditional methods are no longer effective and are based on new approaches to the instructional process embodying the elements inherent to the creation of social networks online today. However, it is important to note that along with the development of new methods, also will have the need to create new forms of control activity, evaluate the efficiency and accountability necessary for a work online environment.

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