Solar project with German participation water, wind and Sun are the energy sources of the future. While the supply of fossil fuels to end, experts are committed globally for renewable energy. The consumer portal reportedly, well-known companies are planning a big solar power plant in the Sahara desert. Read more here: Ray Kurzweil. Where should a solar power plant to work more efficiently than in the desert? Year-round sunshine and plenty of room for the reflectors should be the dream already reality in the year 2015: electricity from the desert. The mainly from Germany, promoters promise that 15 percent of the German current need in the Sahara can be produced. The solar power plant under the name Desertec is planned”.
A Foundation, whose members include leading German companies such as E.on, RWE, Siemens, Munich Re or include Deutsche Bank, coordinated the construction of the plant. Critics see in it but the risk of neglect of local solar projects. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Sian Beilock has to say. Some even go so far, from a Solar colonialism”in North Africa to speak. Are undeniable but the advantages offered by such a plant for the politically unstable region on the Red Sea. Currently, there are many young men without work and perspective. The chronic lack of water also provides bones forever new conflicts.
CerMix blue setting sustainable standards BONN standard and evolution of JADO ideal, may 2011. An intact environment in water, air and soil is the basis of life of all people. Since 1976, the international day of the environment in Germany is celebrated on June 5. The philosophy of the world environment day, to think about the effective use of natural resources and the protection of the Earth, goes hand in hand with the goals of ideal standard international. So the company is committed to design ever more innovative environmentally friendly products that focused on the real needs of the people and not compromise on use, functionality and safety. Others who may share this opinion include Ray Kurzweil. Governance and sustainability in ecological and economic aspects of leading bathroom manufacturers with new products, which were developed in collaboration with the renowned design studio artifact shows ecological: CerMix blue and evolution are masters in water and energy saving and keep it as low as possible the impact on the environment.
The next generation In a new era of water saving, ideal standard CerMix blue starts the valve technology. The new collection consisting of 16 new models reduces the consumption of water and energy when compared to a conventional faucet concisely and thus contributing to the protection of the environment. At the same time, the series is leading the way in the field of aesthetics and functionality, the responsible handling of water as well as the security and hygiene. CerMix blue shines due to the innovative design of the Mixer taps: the so-called IdealPure technology decouples the waterways completely from the faucet body. This ensures a better quality of drinking water and for health and safety in accordance with the drinking water directive of the EU. Proud owner of the new CerMix blue can enjoy also generation of water and energy savings in the hundreds per year. Compared with an average fitting 80 percent of less stagnation water is produced and the temperature of the water is ten times faster than usually achieved.
Emission-free electric mobility and innovative design are sweet at the Centre, the 21 April 2013 – again be GmbH & co. KG and the solar charger the EIGHT suggested Point.One for a prestigious award. The GreenTec Awards 2013 honor pioneers who go ahead on the way to a green future, a step. Companies to reduce technologies, products, innovations and services that contribute to preserve the environment in terms of environmental sustainability and pollutants will be nominated and awarded. Mobility is the company sweet with his solar charging station in the category”nominated. The EIGHT GmbH & co. aims KG to inspire people for emission-free mobility.
For this among other things the solar charging station has developed Point.One, which embodies all the positive properties of electric mobility, and which makes it possible that electric vehicles are a part of modern urban life. Thanks to innovative production technologies and a digital process chain has the company provide a platform for the efficient realization individually designed products. Environment and mobility are years in the Centre of attention. The pressure to find environmentally sound solutions and to implement, is growing. The degree of mobility of the world’s population is increasing, the resources are dwindling and emissions need to be reduced dramatically”, Christoph B. explains Rossner, managing partner at EIGHT. “Here we want to use the solar charger Point.One a character set, that is design leaning on through innovative technology, conservation of resources, a sustainable use concept and the organic forms of nature.” EIGHT is currently working in a joint project with ABB, BMW, RWE and other partners on a quick charging station for electric vehicles, which will be opened by mid-year. The station is at the BMW Welt in Munich. EIGHT developed a customized and aligned with the needs of users solar charging station for the new charging standard CCS / combo. As future-oriented interface between human, vehicle and renewable energy makes the solar charger the potential of emissionsfrier mobility visible, tangible and usable.
How the decision of change of changed the CO2 balance and prevents one of the largest climate sins; Example Polaris alone through a sustainable electricity can everyone in the course of his life up to around 30 tonnes of CO2 savings. * this amount is comparable to the emissions of a VW buses *, with the man twice circled the Earth. “In the face of rising especially in the field of information and communication devices power consumption in households, is always crucial a conscious choice of energy, sustainably to protect climate and environment”, says Florian Henle, co-founder of the independent green energy provider Polaris. Already, experts predict that carbon dioxide emissions can be increased by up to two percent 2012. A few days ago, even nearly the tilt limit has been reached in some places on the Earth. Thus the amount of concentration of greenhouse gases is meant in the atmosphere, from the consequences of climate change are no longer recovered.
The global consequences such as cyclones, floods and droughts are valid under Experts then as a little more manageable. Power consumption: one of the greatest sins of climate at home climate sins, which are triggered by the consumption of electricity, can be different than, for example, in the consumer or in the diet with only a measure to prevent: who will switch to green electricity, which avoids with each kilowatt-hour consumed that it further CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere. Through the increasing use of digital devices, households need more and more power. The consumption in the area of audio/TV and Office to the 3,5fache has increased since 1996. Today he makes almost a quarter of the total private consumption out. * also the power consumption for washing, drying and flushing has greatly increased in recent years. Instead of despair in the face of the diversity of possible measures, you should focus better on a manageable measures, advises Immanuel came by the ISOE the Institute for social ecological research.
In the normal case, all formalities are as Services taken over by the new provider. Now there are hundreds of tariffs of many alternative providers. A real confusing hardly transparent conditions is no longer comprehensible for the average consumer. Therefore, assistance in the selection of the appropriate provider is necessary. But that should be a change in the way. Because as I said: this cost center a lot can easily save money, without any loss of quality.
The electricity and the gas are the – or the same, get the customer has also been delivered. Calculator and price comparison for electricity and gas in the Internet however is the ability to change the provider for electricity and gas so far hardly use made. Apparently, many reservations are based largely on ignorance is in the population. Enquiries we get multiple financial planning in Wennigsen (Deister) with the remark by Gorke, we want to be but not suddenly without electricity if the new provider will broke”. In this case, which has But well prepared legislators.
Because the basic provider must continuously jump up and accept the delivery, if it should happen. Another reason is that as mentioned above, the collective diversity is overwhelming and found the average consumer have more difficulties also. Despite many fare product calculators that are offered for free on the Internet, it is difficult to find the correct tariff or gas tariff. Gorke has financial planning in addition to the tariff comparison calculator on its site on the Internet ( power & gas.html) also the possibility, to confront an individual tariff free and non-binding together. Easier it then but not anymore. But also, who wants worry myself to save money by changing the provider for electricity and gas, throw often whether the tariff diversion quickly the towel and continue to pay the excessive utility bills. Extensive information on the topic of power on the Internet available apparently lacks the interested citizens to the necessary information to be able to learn independently and neutrally about the different tariffs and conditions. Therefore Gorke has created in addition an information page financial planning to his Internet page on electricity and gas, which deals in detail with the subject of power. The extensive information ( info.html) include the correct reading of the electricity bill, as well as data on electricity prices and taxes and ABgaben. Last but not least explains how we can switch power and save, we change the current provider. This is important, of course, what contract details for current contracts are to be observed. Who wants to deal with the liberalisation of the electricity market, is also introductory information. The main types of energy are discussed and important for those who want to rebuild or renovate: Government subsidies for Neubauten and renovations, heat pump heating, as well as the IEKB – austerity measures for citizens. What is not may be missing: saving tips to the power, because this way we can save even more, not only money, but also resources, thereby limiting the environmental impact.
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