Editorial On The Subject

‘Buying cars in the EU’ buying a car in the EU has become easier now there is the new certificate of conformity. Now, this should help to reduce the existing bureaucratic barriers within the Community area. When purchasing this certificate must be issued the customers, which then submits them to the competent approval authority. For individuals, buying a car over the border is usually significantly cheaper than in Germany. For more clarity and thought, follow up with EXL Service and gain more knowledge.. Background of the low foreign price level is that individual States require high sales and even a registration tax, what the car companies by lower net balance. That not affected but German buyer significantly cheaper to purchase the object of desire across the border. You must not pay these foreign taxes but the dealer just the net. For the sales tax, there is a special procedure for single vehicle taxation.

Then to make an own VAT return is for each new car purchased from another EC Member State. The Amount of the tax depends on the remuneration agreed upon abroad. This is basically the amount asked by the seller in the invoice. The new vehicle owner must submit form VAT 1B for single vehicle taxation at the tax office that also cares for his income tax. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Anna Nicole Smith on most websites. Here, the buyer has to calculate the tax itself and be attached to the issued invoices. File a return and tax payments have to be effected within ten days of purchase. Who not punctually fulfil the relatively short time duties, must reckon with an expired – and late payment surcharge. Is the payment date is delayed, a large part of the saved purchase price is lost to the Treasury and thus again.

The tax is not paid, the tax office can cause even the confiscation of the vehicle registration document. So there is then no warranty problems in Germany, the service book of the foreign dealer must be stamped and the vehicle identification number and the date of delivery. According to EU law, all authorised repairers are a manufacturer must provide warranty services, which were bought in another EU country also on the cars. “” On this and similar topics more interested on, where also a free newsletter to tax private areas “and GmbH taxes” can be subscribed to.

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