United Kingdom

43 percent of Germans work regularly more than 40 hours per Week. Around one in three has already once postponed his vacation because of work or cancelled and 18 percent check their work E-mail even on vacation. Only the Austrians are similar to arbeitswutig. As compensation for the work stress of holidays on the German plays a central role: 39 percent feel the days again more productive on the job. 42 percent are regenerated and return recovered. As a result three out of four people in Germany can be no vacation day currently unused.

On average, only two days vacation remain the least number in comparison to Europe. Holiday money what the Germans value their vacation is year on year increases the workload tends to be: currently provide 24 percent of Germans, not their entire vacation to take an increase of five percent compared with 2008. But the desire for more leisure time is big. More and more Germans are ready to abandon their salary for an extra day of holiday. Express 2009 to 34 percent in the past year 39 percent of Germans of their interest. Up to 24 years, especially the younger Germans yearn for more holiday.

37 per cent of them worth the extra free day up 500 euros and 17 percent even over 500 euro. Interestingly, 12 percent more men than women to Exchange are holidays for cash”ready. Land of Cockaigne Europe measured on the available days are the Europeans long before the Nations overseas. The United States was the country whose working professionals are most often left their vacation days, many years they gave off 2009 this position with only 34 percent of New Zealanders (45 percent), the Italians and Australians (44 per cent each). But that is no comparison to the Japanese, where 92 per cent does not completely take vacation available all. Place country o number of available holidays 1 France 38 2 Italy 31 3 Spain 30 4 Germany 27 5 Austria 27 6 United Kingdom 26 7 New Zealand 21 8 Canada 19 9 Australia 19 10 Japan 15 11 United States 13 more press releases, image material, and current studies are in the Expedia.de Press area under available.

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