Private Individual Entrepreneurs

Since I am writing this article mainly for private individual entrepreneurs in the field of electronic commerce, which are constantly forced themselves into the first time and engage in production and admin, this recommendation will help to better understand why so many business admin and addictive they are left with very little effort and time to production. Admin is a secondary activity, which helps manufacturing and sales to improve and expand. Admin is uncreative work, which requires every day and often the same type of routine operations. So if you do the admin, I always keep it in the afternoon, or highlights some days in the week, you will deal only with the admin (raking mail, payments, the answer to any questions in the forums for advertising activities, to communicate with clients on research on partner benefits, etc.) But if you decide today do some kind of production, we will never start a day with the administrative work! Why is this so? Because production – is a creative process that requires much effort from you, good mood and optimal state of your mind. You need to be collected and vzbalomucheny, you should not have anything distracting. It is in this form, you can easily and quickly do something and be happy, not with an effort to complete their creative cycles. But should you start dealing with the admin, as you come down on the weight of various communication and you many will try to put out, you will have a lot of different things that rob you have enough powerful charge energy and often nerve.

Financial Crisis

Once the banks do not give out money – it means exactly the crisis. Why not work the customary system of solving problems? In fact, she Works, but There is one thing but that is not taken into account. In order that the problem was solved, it is necessary to come up with a "crisis". How? You must understand that in fact the crisis is yet another product of successful public relations. That's good advertised product you have purchased.

Enough to put backlash – to advertise the fact that the crisis is over, at this stage, it is the most acceptable to our brain stroke. The more you talk about it his subordinates, colleagues, partners – the faster you will lead a mechanism that would lead the crisis to an end. For this project has all the necessary elements: the problem is visible: under someone else's able leadership, the masses to believe in a crisis, and now support it. solution: it is necessary to tell his subordinates about the cause of the crisis, and ask what they have solutions? hereinafter: the successful repetition of this information to a large audience, many, many times. That is, in principle, and all. But now the most important thing. About how much you missed your chance, so did nothing during the crisis. During the crisis, people have no money.

Again! During a crisis, people are open to new suggestions. Two! During a crisis, people are becoming more daring, desperate, determined, enterprising. Three! You can continue on. You want to start their own business, or with one that does not bring revenue to profitability? Then hurry up! A then crisis ends! This is no joke, it's the facts. Have a look at the statistics, news. The peak of the crisis now. Further, he has developed will be hard. Options a bit. Either follow the next push to the side organization Crisis (Which they probably do), or exit from the crisis peak. If you are interested in this topic, you can subscribe to our active mailing list (out 1-3 times a week), which describes in detail how this technology works, and how it can be practically applied.

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