Combining their experience, education and creativity. So it is able to more easily resolve dilemmas than others. It should avoid dogmatic and self-indulgent attitudes. In addition to cultivate moderation to take risks. Earth: Feeling Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, are interested in practical affairs.
They are based on the facts, the data that they provide their senses and experience. They learn by doing and review things with care. They require materials prepared in your profession. Taurus seeks a conducive structure for the development of projects and persevere until you see him crowned. It considers all angles of a situation. Success measured by results. It is happy in an environment of stable growth and progress. You must avoid the stubbornness and cultivate creativity.
VIRGO is a tremendous researcher, since it does not satisfy the obvious. Analyzes data to depth. Creating logical work procedures and systems. It weighs pros and cons to accept a post, it is only willing to walk the path of success. He has to avoid skepticism and cultivate the skill. CAPRICORN is capable of handling several issues at once and turn the ideal conditions to achieve concrete results. He manages with his determination more than others. You should avoid overloading of responsibilities and cultivate the expression to their creativity. Air: Thinking Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are related with the world of impersonal form, it occupies more the reality of situations. They are practical and logical in the planning and performance of the projects. Hence they are excellent executives. Gemini grows to share with others a creative process. He is a specialist in rain of ideas and as a mediator. It is able to carry out changes on the fly with success and deal with people of any hierarchy. You have to control your nervousness through physical activity. POUND him is so important that both the media and the weekends to pursue are fair and if possible, transcendent. It works best when sharing projects. He appreciated the capabilities of others and require the same of theirs. It must avoid relying on others and cultivate the adaptation. Aquarium knows intuitively when is the time to put into action as planned. It is very convincing with their points of view and knows evaluate others. His style of cooperate is contributing original ideas. He has to avoid extravagances and cultivate the persistent work. Water: Feeling Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces have professional success in areas that require sensitivity and interpersonal relationships. They think that logical processes are not sufficient to ensure productive work. Your CANCER sensitive experience is useful for solving problems, as it provides multiple solutions. He also knows assessing practices. It is that is usually immersed in his work. You must avoid clinging to the past cultivate their creative that brings an artistic touch to any project. Scorpion has the ability out of the crisis, due to its power of transformation of the situations. Its development is always ascending, since it is able to devote full time to his task. Because it is very reliable, others often depend on him. It has to avoid mistrust and sarcasm. It is best that it inspires others to do their best. PISCES its tremendous intuition allows you to have a comprehensive vision of the future. It absorbs new knowledge with ease. His best performance is when you can bring your creativity, since he squanders it. It has to avoid hypersensitivity and cultivate discretion. Original author and source of the article.
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