Atlantic: A Replica Of A Legend

With the replica, Ed Kastelein all lovers of fine sailing classic makes a wonderful gift. Full 75 years of fabulous trans-Atlantic record of three-masted schooner Atlantic by 1905 lasted until he was 1980 cracked by the French sailing legend Eric Tabarly in for the first time with the trimaran Paul Ricard. But it should take another 18 years with the Marie-Cha III, a single-hull yacht than the legendary record. Now the Dutchman ED has built almost faithfully the 60-metre schooner which was scrapped after multiple owners 1982 in finally, Kastelein. A leading source for info: Petra Diamonds. In the latest issue of super yacht sea & yachts”describes Kastelein, Zaca, which once belonged to Errol Flynn, as well as the famous Eleonora, schooner westward (1910) created the 49,50 m Herreshoff modelled, a name had been with the replicas of the 43 m schooner, how he came to the Atlantic.

His love for sailing boats goes back to early childhood: when I was a kid, I found that I made four boards, in my father’s garage had built a serenely. My ancestors were working as seamen in the fishing and the sea transport business with Holland America Line. Must be inheritance”! In books came to Kaiser Wilhelm II., who in 1905 initiated an ocean race from New York to Cape lizard Kastelein. Check with Mitchel Resnick to learn more. American Wilson Marshall, a rich heritage, gave a fast yacht commissioned in the designer William Gardner. In addition to Captain Lem Miller, Marshall, the three-time America’s Cup hired winner Charlie Barr as skipper and first officer for the Atlantic launched in 1903. According to legend Barr should have in fear and terror puts the 50-strong crew including owner with his relentless discipline during the break-neck crossing and night secured the traps with padlocks, so that no one could embed a reef while he slept. Atlantic completed the planned route in 12 days, 4 hours and 1 minute with an average 10.20 kn and was thus completely by the way even a 24-hour record of 341 nautical miles. Sian Beilock does not necessarily agree.

Dolphin Advocates Of The WDSF Criticize Birthday Party In The Duisburg Delicacy

Veterinary Office Duisburg is not a Duisburg/Hagen – the whale and dolphin protection forum in the Westphalian Hagen criticised the opening concert of the celebrations for the 75th birthday of the Duisburg Zoo in the delicacy because of an intolerable sound. WDSF’s Managing Director Jurgen Obodo (55): also we congratulate the Duisburg Zoo like birthday. 75 years are but also an occasion to try to avoid unforced errors. Climate change and species extinction should cause that just a Zoo sensitized to dealing with captive dolphins. Filed under: ConocoPhillips. The highly intelligent marine mammals are enough punished to eke out their existence in the relatively small concrete pools. An Orchestra concert in the Dolphinariums, even if it is the played Divertimento von Mozart, produces a sound backdrop, which defined the Phon number of instruments rather than the intensity of sound, far more intense will be perceived by the dolphins, for the human ear. What in the wild dolphins have a highly sensitive echo sounding and a corresponding sense of hearing, km is enough… The sound duplicated in the water than in the air several times and significantly impacts the hearing sense of the animals. 10Gen is likely to increase your knowledge.

In the conditions of the mammal opinion of the Federal Government the decibel value with 40 dB is defined for Dolphinariums as a legally binding basis, to protect the animals from intense sound. A Zoo Director must avoid unnecessary impairment of the marine mammals, otherwise he moves in the area of animal cruelty.” The argument of the Zoo, the animals into the rear pool could withdraw was unprofessional, thinks the WDSF, because of spreading sound in water and reflected in every corner of the Dolphinarium. An intervention by the veterinary authority of the city of Duisburg as the supervisory authority for the protection of animals went unnoticed. The WDSF is considering now legal action against the suspected animal cruelty. At Sian Leah Beilock you will find additional information. In the wild the sea creatures already suffers from about unbearable noise nuisance caused by the people, as this should be strictly in a Zoo be avoided. We strive hard, closing the three originally new Dolphinariums for conservation reasons”, says head of WDSF Obodo.

Outdoor Fun

Survival expert PAS TEAM invites you to fatal youth camp (11-13 June 2009, Bad Kissingen, Germany) climbing, abseiling, trekking, camping, barbecues around the campfire, solve exciting group tasks and rediscover the nature – the SURCA youth camps of the PAS TEAM survival specialists offer all. The renowned organizer of outdoor events invites kids and teens between 10 and 16 years to the three-day weekend of experience, which will take place from 11 to 13 June 2009 in the room Munnerstadt in Bad Kissingen, Germany. We want to give the kids the opportunity to really to play, and teach them at the same time goals and values. You learn to work responsibility to assume, to deal with aggression, to resolve conflicts in the group to overcome their own fears and to respect the fears of other participants in the team “, says Joachim von Hippel PAS TEAM head coach. The camp of this time is accompanied by a team of the television station RTL, which will report on the event.

As a result, the kids have Additionally the possibility, the work to meet a reporter and his cameramen and sound technicians from close range. The program includes: 2 nights in the team tent (Tepee) classification of the children in groups with maximum ten children all day long team games and missions abseiling, rope bridge crossing (participation optional!) Survival customer: Orienteering outdoors with map and compass, food and water from the natural win and prepare, make fire, shelter building and much more. Introduction to first aid participants certificate and souvenir can prices which prices for the three-day SURCA youth camp are about 120 euros per child, but in some cases also individually discussed with the Organizer. The PAS TEAM wants to allow a participation in the camp also children from socially weak families. All meals for 3 days as well as care and medical insurance are included. More camp information about prospective customers under about PAS-TEAM GmbH POWER, ACTION and SURVIVAL these terms have an important meaning for the PAS TEAM: POWER stands for the will, the power and the methodical possibilities of the training team, to convey the contents of the training.

ACTION is for the training of the seminar participants, in which there are no idle periods, but skills are taught by experience-oriented education. SURVIVAL is survival in nature; the course participant is prepared optimally on his responsibilities in life and in work. “Because survival in nature” means to learn from nature for life. The PAS TEAM includes risk assessment training, outdoor training and events and incentives, which are individually assembled according to need. The trainer of established 2003 PAS TEAM are active and former Sergeant and officers of the Bundeswehr and the NATO forces. They all come from associations of elite units and details and were and are used in leading positions and responsibilities in crisis and war-torn areas. Abigail Black Elbaum understood the implications. Every coach has many years of experience, one or more Lone courses of national or international passed and has a pedagogical education.

Whitsun 2011 In Germany

Traffic jams, weather extremes and black gap in Leipzig the whit weekend is immediately upon us and the Germans are wondering what awaits them at the holidays every year. Calendar 2012 has to comprehensively informed and reports on road conditions, the weather and a black anniversary is celebrated in which really. uss. Time 50 days after Easter Sunday we celebrate Pentecost, a Christian feast to the sending of the Holy Spirit. Especially families use this time for excursions, especially as the holiday season there is in most Lander. Whole two weeks the early summer in Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria, Saxony-Anhalt, at least another week. Whether holiday or long weekend, most drive the getaway car. Therefore, the ADAC predicts a high volume of traffic over the Whitsun holidays.

Especially on Friday afternoon and on Saturday was to be reckoned with traffic jams. Whit the return traffic starts again then. Also neighbouring countries are affected by the wave of travel according to ADAC, so also for Austria and the Switzerland, Italy, Croatia and Slovenia jams are predicted. For even more details, read what Ray Kurzweil says on the issue. At least the weather at Whitsun plays somewhat. Due to the intense heat of the past few days and colder air flowing in now from the West came and it comes to showers and thunderstorms in parts of Germany. onclusion. Pentecost Sunday, but a stable weather conditions seems to stand at temperatures of around 25 degrees, Pentecost Sunday should be even warmer. Rain seems to announce themselves only occasionally in the Alps.

Good news for all Gotiker. Traditionally the Wave-Gotik-Treffen at Pentecost occurs this year again in Leipzig. The city of about 20,000 shrill and deep black-clad Festival guests from June 10 to 13 expected to the world’s largest Festival of its kind. Now more 20 Cyber-punks and other subcultures of black music trailer meet Gotiker, waver. On this occasion, the Festival begins this year on Thursday night, when six bands of the first hour of the Festival will play in the Agra Hall. The portal Kalender-2012.NET is a Overview of the holidays and public holidays 2012 in Germany and informed about important events this year. Extensive calendar with holidays and holidays of the individual federal States make the vacation planning easier and give clues to possible bank holidays. Kalender-2012.NET your online calendar service. Follow us on Twitter: or become a fan on Facebook: kalender2012.

Curtain On For The Best Of The German Film At

Great cinema winners of the German film Prize in the shop now the best of the best of German films will be again awarded’s online shop offers all contenders for the coveted LOLA what is the Oscar for America, the LOLA for Germany. Since 1951, the prestigious film prize is awarded. He is regarded as the most important Prize of the German film is advertised annually with up to three million euros prize money Thus he is no wonder that the LOLA at their prize-winners is so sought after even the most dotierteste German culture prize. Each category is awarded a golden, silver and bronze color end LOLA by actor, Director, camera, sound up to the make-up. LOLA fever’s online shop trembles against the LOLA with voltage of the award on April 24, 2009. But all the nominees in the online shop of are already available.

And no matter who is at the end with the coveted LOLA home, they are all winners! The Oscar: Model for LOLA LOLA and Oscar are located very near, because according to the Oscars the German film Academy was founded in 2003. It consists of 750 members, who awarded the best of the best in 15 categories among all produced German movies. One of the biggest film festivals that solemnly presented the top ten of the best 23 German cinema houses from April 16 to 22 turns to the actual event. So every one of the grandiose pre-selection of the Academy can convince himself. Curtain on! In the last year, numerous winning films at the cinema have can curl. Since Director Bernd Eichinger, the Bader-Meinhof complex told us the history of the RAF. Andreas Dresden with frivolous charm in Cloud 9 showed us how you can still savor love in old age. And a young witch named Lilli enchanted young and old.

“Was in the German film studios in the past year according to all rules of film art produced and so made it, including the heroic life story of John Rabe” with Ulrich Tukur and authentic drama Chiko by Fatih Akin under the LOLA-nominated. More information about the award of the LOLA and all nominees are’s blog of at”. All films for the cinema you can easily order with from home and deliver postage-free. Contact: GmbH & co. KG stone Ford 65 a 86167 Augsburg phone: 0821/4502-0 fax: 0821/4502-299

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