Polar Region

PROECOTUR – POLAR REGION TAPAJS the tourism is a economic activity that started in the last few decades to have differentiated attentions, some countries in the world is finding in practises tourist, a source of significant income in its economies, as well as also started to be an enterprise very aimed at by great entrepreneurs leaving of this first one analyzes done, of that the tourism if became a sufficiently income-producing business. After all what it characterizes the tourism? For Woollen Tower the tourism if characterizes for a social phenomenon of displacement of individuals or groups, that can be dislocated for a series of reasons, reasons these make that them to leave its residences for other places, thus promoting a series of relations, social, economic and cultural. From the decade of 80 of century XIX a new ingredient was incorporated the tourism, this directed toward a use of the traditional tourism with the biggest concern to develop criteria that diminish to the maximum ambient impacts, this passed to be called ecoturismo, with concern to use of sustainable form, the natural and cultural patrimony, stimulating its conservation. More info: Xcel Energy. It is also looked to promote in the tourist an ambient conscience. So that if it can reach such yearnings for the practical one of the ecoturismo the same are based on two basic principles: The natural resources of the visited areas could not be compromised and the neighboring populations to these areas must involved and be benefited by the Ecoturismo. On this aspect Loureiro Breads it makes consideraes, leaving of one analyzes begun in the globalization, when it makes balances to the redirecionamento of the tourism for the ecoturismo, considering that with the process of globalization and the level of urbanizadas information reached by the populations it made with that the towers, great arranha sky, the great monuments left of being the focus of the tourism. Learn more about this with Abigail Black Elbaum.

Periodical Printed Matter

INTRODUCTION In the current scene, to use as argument the survival of periodicals, to the fact of them not to have later disappeared in the age of the radio and in the TV. It can until being a reasonable argument, but, ahead of the new digital world, this reasoning cannot be taken literally, therefore, the drawings of periodicals has oscillated very, in function of the competition with this new media: the Internet that opened space for the mass to communicate itself between itself in reciprocal way, practically in simultaneous way and in real time. It can be affirmed that this new media, if became, in time has remembered, the essential tool most important and for that they need and they long for if to communicate with called ' ' world globalizado' ' , without borders. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Petra Diamonds on most websites. The end of the journalism printed matter was intentionally at some moments of world-wide history. In recent years, this quarrel came back to be guideline in many writings for the world, which had to the fast growth of the Internet.

On the basis of research, interviews, study of case and referencial theoretician, the study considers retaken of this old debate the end of the periodical printed matter that he has decades is one of the main medias of existing mass in the country, next to the radio and the television, vehicles that had been the first threats to the empire of the information printed. The Furutist insists that this is the case. Of this form, the argument of that the periodical will survive one more time, reveals defective in the digital age, therefore the Internet is not the radio and nor the TV, but yes, all the vehicles in only one vehicle. In a world, quick and interactive. Today, ' ' citizen internauta' ' , through a language all peculiar one, of any place where it is, through its computer and/or of its cellular device, if communicates with the world.

Positive Thought

The present work aims at, by means of bibliographical and historical study of the tourism to consider a new vision, established in the methodology of the Historical Materialism Dialtico. A great bibliography lack exists in the area. The tourism, as new field, still little explored in theoretical terms, needs scientific production that it aims at to the transdisciplinaridade in the agreement of the tourist social phenomenon. The pretension does not exist of, for the proper ones interpretativos limits that the chosen methodology places, to deplete the analysis of the social phenomenon, but yes to share concerns concerning the construction of scientific knowing in tourism, and who knows to provoke the generating fidget of search of the knowledge. During all my life, never I could resign me it knowing title, never I could isolate an object of studies of its context, of its antecedents, its evolution. I always inhaled to a multidimensional thought. I never could eliminate the interior contradiction. I always felt that deep truths, antagonistic some to the others, were for me complementary, without leaving of being antagonistic.

It never wanted to strengthen me to reduce to the force the uncertainty and the ambiguidade. (MORIN apud PLENTZ, 2007, P. 90). In this way, it is arisen following question: The matrix of positivista thought wide is used in the scientific production of the Tourism, having given its indeed important contribution. At the same time, it imposes certain determinismo in the production of the knowledge in Tourism, limiting influencing the evolution in the theoretical field, and consequentemente affecting the prxis of the Tourism. The Positivista Thought brought body to the construction and scientific production, but it has that to adjust the methodology of research and philosophical its estimated to the object or phenomenon to be studied, under the risk to fall in the reducionismo, tecnicismo and impoverishment of this. 1.2HIPTESE the Historical Materialism Dialtico is presented as methodology of efficient social research, and to complement in the study of the Tourism as social phenomenon, being able to contribute essentially for its theoretical evolution, consequentemente of its prxis.

New Technologies

When transforming citizens into consumers, the mass culture inaugurates, also, the distanciamento of the press with the principles that had given origin to it and marked its trajectory. The advent of the new technologies of the communication had designated new revolution, when offering – for intermediary of the digital medias and all its apparatus, aceleradamente, innovator and renovador – to, before, passive receiver, new perspectives of sharing and management of the information. Currently, we live a more radical, irreversible and paradigmtica revolution, still, brought, mainly, for the almost infinite potentiality of the use? for the good and the bad one – of the Internet. Then, as we could impute (only) to the press the crisis of values of the society contemporary? In principle, crisis can be meant as moment of rupture of the status effective quo for the establishment of new paradigms. In this manner, the crisis of values is installed in the scope of the norms, moral and practical procedures of a society. The crisis, therefore, never she will be Ethical, therefore it is of the scope of the moral. It is fact that the press, of the current times, the media in general – using itself of the universal prerogatives and constitutional of liberty of speech, submitted that it is to the force of the capital, the propaganda and the marketing – leaves gaps (moral) in the fulfilment of its social paper.

The ominous marketing force of the propaganda (more than what the advertising), unhappyly, surpassed the pages of the classified ones, it invaded the miditicas pages and screens, and, exactly the urban space, occupying the place of the notice. But, exactly with this desvirtuamento, if it cannot impute to the press? that, in fact, of free expression nothing it has – the responsibility for the crisis of values because passes our society. Great part of this responsibility has its root in the desvirtuamento of the Politics, mainly, in what it says respect to the public politics in all the government spheres, arrives in port in it of financial and budgetary resources, in the priorizao of related governmental programs to right, to the health and the education. The media does not create, does not invent, not abduz, simply, translates, reflects, divulges practical desires and, before, adopted and circulating in the space of the culture. In this manner, the moral and civic crisis that if installs in the society contemporary comes, over all, of proper it. In fact, the press, really, exempts would assist very to the formation of a people lead to the permanent process of education. The responsible press for its social function could, yes, to help to promote new revolution; the revolution of the critical conscience, the judgment of value, the discernment and the criterion on what it must, or not, to invigorate as ethical principle. Not having this reflection, the colonialismo, the consumerism and the escravismo will continue marking with iron and fire our skin, reflected in aesthetic, but, nor the always ethical ones, parts advertising executives who, to the one propagandear in them, portray, without d nor mercy, our coisificao, divulged and vulgarized, as we are, for the press that does not want (perhaps nor it can more) to assume in fact its social role to take care of to the information lack and an expression right, essentially human. ngela Maria Mirault Rabbit? Doctor and Master in Communication and Semiotics for the PUC of So Paulo

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