
In the business world, these findings have had a strong impact, since the traditional form of recruitment, based solely on the brilliance of a curriculum, is giving way to a broader and more open conception which raises the need for a qualitative leap towards the incorporation of professionals open to teamwork, able to tolerate the discomfort and frustration, and open to the constant search for solutions to the challenges posed by the market. There is need of a new design of companies and the redefinition of the thought of business, around some of his key themes: leadership, training, relations with the customer, how to create value, the role of women or the ability to redefine constantly the object of work. So intellectual competition says virtually nothing in the forecast of the personal and professional efficiency, since these have more to do with emotional competencies, that determine the degree of skill in the use of other powers and potentialities, incidentally, included the intellect. After knowing the differentiation of minds, which in 1995 drew D. Goleman: a mind that thinks and another mind that feels, and after conclusive of all subsequent studies, it seems evident that the mind feels is something to keep in mind when interpreting the success of the vital trajectories, or design processes of formation of persons. In this regard l.

e. Shapiro in his book The children’s emotional intelligence writes that in the paradoxical form, while each generation of children seems to become more intelligent, emotional and social abilities appear be declining rapidly. By the same author: Petra Diamonds. In conclusion, we would say that a person the more developed emotionally is, more you will enjoy an advantageous situation in any of the fields in which faces, more will tend to feel satisfied and will be more efficient for being able to manage the mental habits that determine its success.

Financial Freedom

My life changed and made him forever, I started my own company and I found a business on the internet that gave me real emotional and financial freedom, I managed to win $ 50,000 in 10 months and my business continues to grow, my familial relationships greatly improved, now people believe in me, I could give testimony. Now speak with authority that the methods shown in this book if they work and if they did it with me also will do it with you, cheer up the price of change is something that is worthwhile, is like a vaccine, can be painful .but sometime happens fast, then you will enjoy true freedom, most people will tell you hold onto that twigopportunities are bald, it’s better old acquaintance new to know, others are worse, at least I have a job, the situation is difficult, to begin with it is necessary capital, you have to grab what comes out, etc. etc. etc. I tell them. pursue their dreams, do what you love, not give up ever, seek and you will find, touch and opens them, have faith and everything they may, the opportunities are there waiting for that you conquer them just enough that you decide it, not more delay things, this is the best day to start, remember coincidences do not exist and if you’ve heard this testimony is something and that something is in the deepest of your be you not agree with the life that has today, came the time to change it, you deserve happiness, prosperity, love and all that fills it with satisfaction..

Dar Es Salaam

Dar Es Salaam is the largest population, the main seaport and the former capital of Tanzania, situated 45 km south of the island of Zanzibar. His name is Arabic-swahili origin and means: peace port. It was founded in 1862 by the sultan of Zanzibar (Island which then joined Tanganyika into Tanzania in 1964). The British seized it in 1916, during the first world war. Its port, which is connected by rail with Zambia, gives output to most parts of Tanzania, sisal and petroleum exports. It also deals with much of the trade in Zambia, a country with no outlet to the sea. The city handles more than half of the production of Tanzania and its principal industries produce paints, petroleum, textiles and footwear.

It is the capital of Pwani region and is administratively divided into three districts, Ilala, Kinondoni and Temeke. Located so close to the Equator and the warm Indian Ocean, the city experiences generally conditions weather tropical, characterized by a hot and humid weather during most of the year. Located on a natural harbour on the Indian Ocean, it is the epicenter of the transport system, generating the majority of roads and railroads of the country in the city or close to the same. Dar Es Salaam airport connects the city with other African countries, the Middle East, the India and Europe. Due to the importance of tourism, the number of restaurants has increased recently. The city offers a variety of meals in addition to the native, from barbecue Tanzanian with options that include the Nyama Choma (roast meat) and Mishkaki (kebab), along with kitchen Zanzibar war and india, up meals from all over the globe such as Chinese, Thai, Italian, Turkish and Japanese food. Usually it is also nicknamed the Bongo city.

The use of this term came in the middle of the 1980s. Bongo, in swahili language, means brains. It is thought that that nickname may be due to hard economic situation that existed at that time, when the only way to survive and prosper was taking an important intelligence. As a result, Tanzania frequently is called Bongolandia.

CAL Interfaces

Authors: Rookie Alexander, Alexander Kostikov, CM-Consult Introduction The model of multi-component object (Component Object Model) is the basis for much of the technology Microsoft – ActiveX, and after seven years of existence it has become an integral part of Microsoft Windows, – leading "industry standard" software architecture. Is not it strange that Rational ClearCase supports this architecture. To use a COM component in a library Rational ClearCase – CAL (ClearCase Automation Library). This library is a COM interface to access data and manipulate ClearCase. CAL library, you can use to write scripts, applications, and macros for integration into other applications. It is worth noting that for applications using the CAL, you need a license for ClearCase. To use the interfaces of the library CAL, their registration is not required, because this is done automatically when you install Rational ClearCase.

Before you begin to describe the main features of interfaces CAL, define using the terminology of object-oriented programming in CAL, to avoid possible misunderstandings. As with any COM interface, the basic concepts of CAL are objects interfeyy, methods and properties. New projects. At the highest level of CAL into many different objects. Some of the CAL-objects are the basic data ClearCase, For example, the object CCVersion used to describe the versions in ClearCase. Other CAL-object are the controls that are not directly reflect any clear data ClearCase, but manage them. For example, the class of sets (collection class) for an object CCVersion manages a set of objects of type CCVersion, CCCheckedOutFileQuery object allows you to build queries to find files in edit mode (checked-out files), the object makes it possible to construct TriggerTypeBuilder options for creating objects of type trigger (trigger type objects).

Tax Code

In order that the documents transmitted in electronic form, have acquired legal significance, they should be signed with digital signature (EDS) head of the organization or other authorized person. Procedure for issuing and receiving invoices electronically via telecommunication channels with using digital signature will be installed on the Russian Finance Ministry, and formats-FTS of Russia. At the time of the signing of a number of printing such documents were not approved in the prescribed manner. Also, there is no clarity as to how would be exchanged – either directly or through spetsoperatorov. Professor of Internet Governance has much experience in this field. In the economic programs of the company “1C” is planned to implement the electronic exchange of invoices for approval as the regulatory framework.

Additional powers of the Government further clarified that the form of invoices and order of filling forms and procedures for logging of accounting for and invoices, purchases of books and book sales be entitled to impose the Russian government. This provision is aimed at eliminating the contradictions between the requirements laid down of the Tax Code and the requirements specified in the Decree of the RF Government 914 ot02.12.2000. Recall that number of requirements stipulated in the Decree 914 of the Tax Code was absent (for example, to require a PPC). Indication in the invoice currency name According to the amendments to the paragraphs 5 and 5.1 of Article 169 of the Tax Code, invoice complemented by a new prop – “the currency.” As stated above, the shape of the invoice procedure for its completion must be approved by the Government (paragraph 8 of Art. 169 Tax Code, as amended). This form will be required to produce invoices on paper or in electronic form.

However, in paragraph 4 of Article 10 of Law number 229FZ said that before the adoption of the Russian government documents provided by Article 8, paragraph 169NK Russian Federation, drawing and exhibiting invoicing, logging, accounting and received invoices, purchase of books and book sales are made to meet the requirements established before the coming into force of new regulations. This means that after 2 September to approval of a new form should be used the old forms of the invoice. In this case, note that the economic programs of the company “1C” the currency is displayed in the header of the invoice. * For a complete list of changes published in issue 9 (September) “BUH.

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