When conducting acceptance retardants work the commission must verify that the characteristics of the applied fire-retardant material fire-protection requirements of the project, the license to the organization that produced fire-retardant treatment, as well as other documentation that demonstrates quality of performance fire protection works. Control by measuring and experimental methods used to measure the thickness of the flame retardants, as well as to establish the type of material used and the quality of fire protection coverage. Control the thickness of the damage fire-resistant coatings on metal structures carried out in several places with the help of special devices that provide the necessary accuracy. For coatings with a thickness of 20 mm is recommended to use the magnetic thickness gauges, ultrasonic thickness gauges, micrometers. To measure the thickness of the coating, consisting of 10 mm or more, you can use calipers or needle probe with a ruler.
The results of measurements is determined by the average value and the minimum thickness. To control the thickness of fire-retardant coating on the wooden structures, need a sample of wood coated with a thickness exceeding specified in the technical documentation for the tool of fire protection. Sampling is carried out in areas of structures, where the visual cues supposed substandard treatment or deviation from the normative thickness. Determination of the thickness of the coating is conducted on a sample when considering it in the section under the microscope, for example MBS-9 equipped with an eyepiece and the object – micrometers (eg, omou 4.2). Control the thickness of the coating on the insulation of electric cables by using calipers or a micrometer, and, if necessary similar to the above method.
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