Heat And Sound Insulation

Their use the impermeability of the assembly. In many ways, the parameters of heat and sound insulation are the same. Therefore, better sound insulation will also provide double glazing. ;; Thus, we have chosen a suitable us on the technical characteristics model window. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from LEGO Papert Professor. The next thing we pay attention, its external data. The most common material today for the windows of residential premises are a tree and its combination with steel and aluminum, and compositions based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Pure metal and aluminum windows are used only in public and industrial buildings. The main problem of wood windows – wood quality and processing it. Insufficiently dried wood deforms over time, gaps in the windows are increasing, and they become the main source of cold in the apartment. True, good wooden euro-windows do not suffer from this disease. ; Despite the positive changes in manufacture of frames made of wood, the most promising material for this should still be regarded as PVC. PVC profiles have high performance and aesthetic characteristics that will satisfy anyone, even the most demanding customer. Their internal structure is a hollow structure, divided into sections of ribs are called chambers. This camera system provides rigidity boxes and window frames, as well as heat – and soundproof room.

Temperature difference on the street and indoors in 40 degrees, for example, 'minus 20' on the street, 'plus 20' in a room temperature of the inner surface of PVC profiles of plus 15 degrees. In addition, PVC profiles ognebezopasny, they do not burn yourself at temperatures up to 480 degrees. Surface of PVC windows have the broad palette of colors, they can mimic various types of wood, which is very important in the selection of interiors. ; Application double-glazed windows in PVC glazing windows and balconies will not only maximize the parameters of heat and sound insulation, but also make your home safer from air pollution. Moreover, they are not so simple to break. Book such double and triple glazed windows to the size of your windows better than the professionals who are not only in the shortest time, to work on their construction, but will hold their installation.

Street Lights With LEDs

"We live in an era of high technology" – this phrase several beaten, but the very fact it does not cancel. One has only to turn around, it becomes apparent that the future of which we read fiction stories still some 15 years ago, has already come: alternative fuel sources, solar panels, street lights with LEDs, color screens on the phones, surpassing its resolving power tube TVs past generation. We live not just in the era of high technology, we are living during their battle for the most efficient use of energy consumed. The technology, which will be discussed below, one win in this battle already scored. It comes to LED-technology, which unequivocally dominates the market for LCD-TVs and monitors for several years now. But a victory it did not seem to be limited. LEDs are preparing a decisive blow now already in the sector of household lighting.

Lamps, lights, street lights with LEDs, signs – all of these lighting elements emitting diode (light-emitting diode, or LED) allows to achieve a record high timing life of the product, along with low power consumption, so do not be surprised to find near some shops or private homes, street LED lamps. It's not just the pursuit of something new. This is a deliberate and conscious step towards economy and efficiency of both electricity and money holder. Street lights with LEDs can last for much longer arc or discharge lamps, as well as significant way to reduce the electricity bill. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of LED-technology for example, all the same street lamps with LEDs. Two cores, as mentioned above: it is low power consumption and high durability. However, this matter is not limited.

Unlike any other, LED-lamps produce almost no heat, which allows you to confidently declare their fire. Such lamps do not create a heavy load on the grid, which is also their undeniable advantage. Due to low power consumption they can be installed even on suburban areas, where the quality of the input wiring, usually leaves much to be desired. In the street lamps with LEDs do not use any chokes and starters, which virtually eliminates the possibility of short circuit and fire. Simplicity Device LED-Lighting fixtures in this case is an undeniable advantage. Really a lot of pluses. Inadvertently pose the question: "Why such lamps are still not commonly used?". The whole thing in disbelief most people to something new, as well as in price. Until recently the cost of street lights with LEDs was significantly higher than the cost of similar models with other types of lamps. May play a role yet and that the fact that people tend to take into account only short-term costs, and does not take into account further savings in electricity, as well as replacement of lamps, which in the case of street lights with LEDs are simply not required. You can still speak at length about the advantages of LED-technology in the field of domestic lighting, lack of flicker and high color rendering, but to do it – still that extol the benefits of internal combustion engine to steam, or digital video to analog. In the world of high technology strongest survive, or rather the most rational, reliable and environmentally clean, and it seems that the LED preparing to win another landslide victory.

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