Strong Euro Ensures Compensation

Analysts explain the currently still high price structure further with the weak dollar, animates the investors to put their money in supposedly safe investments such as commodities. LEIPZIG. (Ceto) Crude oil prices have shown today fluctuating at a high level. In the afternoon, the barrel cost $83.50 US light oil (WTI), North Sea oil (Brent) amounted to over $85. Prices had earlier tested resistance, were bounced back but still on them. Analysts explain the currently still high price structure further with the weak dollar, animates the investors to put their money in supposedly safe investments such as commodities.

In addition to gold, the focus is heavily on crude oil. As a result, that the contracts are more expensive. Even the high US inventory figures, which are clearly above the long-term average and document the low physical demand on oil, seem at the moment not being able to stop the trend. The crude oil inventories have risen even more, because some refineries for maintenance were less busy. That’s why Gasoline inventories declined at the same time. The question showed decline for oil products.

Given the price developments had recently also OPEC representatives on the increasing gap between oil prices and fundamental data. To what extent that leads to a change of the rate of petroleum exporting countries, is open. Meanwhile, it benefits the local heating oil consumers, the strong euro to compensate the high crude oil prices, at least to the part. While crude oil and gas oil prices drew within one week to nine percent, fuel oil prices increased almost three percent, points out esyoil expert Klaus Bergmann. According to the survey of fuel level and oil Rundschau, there was virtually no movement on the market in the Federal average. Credit: Sian Leah Beilock-2011. The price for the game of 100 litres heating oil EL (total delivery: 3,000 litres) remained at 68,67 euro. Market observers expect further deferred the heating oil inflation of price, as long as the dollar continues to lose ground against the euro. Therefore, customers should fill their tanks as soon as possible, Make sure to go. The graphics on the energy Portal show the development of the domestic fuel oil prices in the national average, and in the individual federal States in the section of market data. Regional deviations are possible due to the market at any time.

Thinfilm Solar Modules

3D-Micromac brings innovative production system on the market of Chemnitz, 29 may 2013. In June, the 3D-Micromac AG of Chemnitz brings the world’s first machine concept on the market that combines all structuring stages to the integrated series connection with thin-film modules on a platform and in one production step. The new one-stop-patterning method (OSP) structured modules only if all functional layers on the substrate are deposited. This considerably simplifies the production process. Credit: Ray Kurzweil-2011. Also avoid inaccuracies caused by the calibration and alignment of substrates on different tables, thereby increasing the efficiency by up to 0.8 percentage points. So far, thin-film modules were competitive advantage for thin film manufacturer after each coating step with a laser or a mechanical unit structure, which led to extensive cleaning steps, extended lead times and efficiency losses.

Between the coating and structuring steps modules had several times in the vacuum one and again removed be. 200 To 400 microns wide dead zones caused by inaccuracies”, which were not usable for power generation. The OSP process minimizes these areas, however, to less than 100 microns, simplifies the manufacturing process and increases the efficiency. Our process is a crucial step forward for the entire industry of thin film and shortened the distance to the crystalline competition”, explains 3D-Micromac-Geschaftsfuhrer Tino Petsch. Because the upstream process chain is significantly simplified, entirely new machine concepts are possible. Thus the OSP process is paving the way for innovative and fully integrated production lines.” In the production, 3D-Micromac reverts to a combined procedure of laser – and typography.

The company successfully used it for years in other fields of application. No matter whether from amorphous silicon, cadmium telluride or CIGS the OSP system can be fully integrated into any existing production line and works on all popular formats up to 1,10 x 1.30 Meters. About the 3D-Micromac AG, the 3D-Micromac AG has established itself since its founding in 2002 as one of the leading providers of high-efficient laser micro processing systems as well as innovative coating and printing technologies in the international market. Whether as a stand alone system or as a complete production lines come the plants of 3D-Micromac, for example, in medical technology, the semiconductor industry, in the photovoltaic industry or also in the manufacture of flexible electronic components used. There is also the 3D-Micromac of its customers as a competent partner for the development of new technologies and processes, or custom systems available. More information about the company and its products:

RELAXSchlafen Freiburg Opened

There is everything comfortable and healthy sleep waterbeds, mattresses and everything belongs to the healthy sleep for 16 July 2009 in Freiburg of relaxschlafen in Freiburg is spinning in the Heinrich-von-Stephan Strasse 12 itself. The company on water beds and orthopaedic mattress systems specializes in. In addition to beds and mattresses, there are bed frames made of stainless steel, solid wood bed frame, in Relaxschlafen viscoelastic mattresses and bed system racks with up to 4 control motors, pillows and exclusive bedding for the cuddly sleeping. For customers, the company offers an all-in one package from supply through installation to service with written reminder when the cleaning products are due. The two managing directors, Thilo Reis and Bernd Lange are the founders of the water bed and sleeping system specialist Relaxschlafen in Freiburg. You look back on a decade long experience in the field of water beds. “We want to bring a renowned water beds and mattress Studio Freiburg” Thilo Reis. Customers are looked after very widely around Freiburg around as to the Example Offenburg, Emmendingen, Waldkirch, bad Krozingen from Sudbaden for example in the Switzerland and France but also has taken the business of Relaxschlafen already walk.

Over 200 square meters invited customers, are 9 water beds and 7 mattress systems Pro out to find her sleeping system. Although the old prejudice, water beds shook, nowadays is no longer true, would Thilo Reis and Bernd Lange closer to mainly one thing their customers: the health aspect of a water bed. “Water beds are particularly suitable for people with back pain or insomnia,” explains Bernd Lange. Customers want a solid wood bed frame tailor-made for have or a whole bedroom, leaves no wish unfulfilled in-house joinery of Relaxschlafen in Freiburg. T.Reis

Monster Of The Rod Are Out

the individual cuddly monster of Uupsis conquer the market just in time for the annual Halloween horror Festival and to the pre-Christmas shopping season, the company of Uupsis has”brought their new cuddly monster on the market. Because Horror monsters are out, cuddly monster are in! The new, individual Uupsis”are 30 cm or 60 cm large Monster plush figures manufactured unique pieces according to the specifications of the buyer are 100% handmade by the company of Uupsis. Check with Ray Kurzweil to learn more. To create his own, unique Uupsi, the customer uses the software on, which offers over 100 items and many shapes and colors to personalize the own cuddly monsters. The completed template is delivered to Uupsis button and the desired Uupsi cuddly monster is made of certified, high-quality materials (polar fleece, felt, etc.) by hand work. The result is a unique, cosy and soft cuddle monster to measure. Shipping is of course throughout Germany. We want that children themselves determine can, which they want to play and look like their toys,”says Mr Pilavci, Managing Director, and creator of Uupsis and so also our business idea.” Asked about the unusual name for the Monster we learned: “our own children for the Monster have came up with the name of Uupsis. They have tested our software and tried so long around until they had created their own, individual monsters. “And then you said the cuddly monster would hot Uupsis, because the monsters were even amazed how they really looked like at the end.” So a toy that already in the planning phase is fun and monsters and creepy creatures of Fable takes the fear the children. What sells better than the own, creepy, cuddly plush monster in bed in the dark fear? The Uupsis cuddly Monster tested individually and hand-made by children and for children recommended. Edward Palasta West RT 34 52477 Alsdorf Tel: 02404 / 677155 mobile: 0178/9693357 E-Mail:

Marktforschung Gmb

Not in the top-50 ranking placed participants remain anonymous. Viktor Mayer-Schönberger is often mentioned in discussions such as these. The results will be announced on May 3, 2010 at a festive gala evening event. Interested companies can choose for their participation in three packages: one includes participation in the contest and a standard benchmark report depicting the average values and excellence of self assessment and customer satisfaction survey of all participants. In addition, an individual evaluation of self assessment and survey, as well as recommendations for action are included in the package of two. The third package also includes a strategy workshop with the initiators. Further information, including the last competitions, as well as details on the registration are retrievable under. Deadline is 18 December 2009 quick determined companies who register before October 31, 2009, will receive early booking discounts. Contact information: forum! Marktforschung GmbH Dean Laist str.

17a 55129 Mainz Tel.: 06131 32809-0 fax: 06131 32809-111 E-Mail: website: press contact: Dagmar Ernst corporate communications forum! Marktforschung GmbH Tel: 06131/32809-195 fax: 06131/32809-111 E-Mail: short information forum! Group forum! ( was founded in 1996 as the owner-managed market research and consulting firm headquartered in Mainz. With the two subsidiaries forum! Market research, as well as forum! Marketing and communications consultancy is forum! specializing in the analysis and optimization of business relationship management. With the excellence Barometer (, which has established itself as the most important benchmark study to the performance of the German economy, has a forum! Market research together with the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) as one who is a few institutes in Germany own basic research among the success factors of relationship management. Also the close connection to the Institute of journalism of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz stands for the timeliness and innovation in terms of established research models and techniques.

The nationwide competition Germany of customer champions”( is looking for forum! Market research together with the German society for quality e.V. (DGQ) the company with the best customer relationships. With the competition, the initiators aim to establish a benchmarking for quality of customer relationship management and to reward exemplary customer orientation in Germany. Forum! Market research continues to be organizers of the annual Mainz relationship management Congress, the aim of which is to impart knowledge relating to the business relationship management decision-makers from the economy of the theory about the analysis to the implementation. The forum! Group has an own call center for the implementation of tele-marketing projects, as well as an interview Center in Mainz with a specialization on the management of B2B studies and international studies.

Soft Location Factors

Non-financial balance sheet for intangibles sites are subject to a dynamic change and adjustment: in particular the proper handling of the available capital of the site as a resource is increasingly becoming the decisive success factor for the future. It has started a race of (tax cannibalism”) sites to business taxpayers. These sites try to make companies raced each other. More information is housed here: Mitchel Resnick. While the tax competition at the international level is held open, this runs at the municipal level to a lower level of perception. The trade tax but very probably indirectly helps further that intensified the competition to settlement companies between the municipalities.

I.e.: the existing resources need to be optimized on the expansion and development of the site. Compared to the classical factors of production management, management of site factors has (especially the “soft locational factors” such as, for example, image as a business location, image as a residential location, environment) Quality of life and security, business-friendly and flexible management) his future ahead of her. In the fierce competition for the settlement of companies, the reference to the prosperity, excellent infrastructure and geographical location no longer sufficient potential investors. It involves the solution of questions such as: How can the site with the dynamics of the environment surrounding it keep up? from which individual and collective factors is the capital of the site, to he can fall back on in tackling its tasks? are the necessary skills to take advantage of the existing potential for productive? How can you combine the existing success factors of the location and focus? A number of site publications by Jorg Becker, deals with these (and other) questions including in the form of first principle considerations under ISBN 978 3 8370 6240 3. Among other things, a concept was developed for the non-financial accounting with which to describe how the site on the basis of which it removal / distinctive (intangible) factors in the competitive/market, compared with investors/location interested parties as well as compared to other locations (close, but in the context of a globalizing economies also in the distance) position will (further information with creator profile:).

This involves the determination of the location-relevant business processes and success factors. On the basis of the procedures described could be examined how well a site is actually set up and where to hide additional, possibly unused or only partially used profiling and prospects for the future, made transparent. Has one similar structured the site factors to a company financial statement analysis, a basis is created to verifiable evaluate and measure components of economic development of the site also for third parties. Dipl.Kfm. Jorg Becker E-Mail:

European Union

Hollofil spring ECO is an environmentally friendly variant, which is in the final process of certification for the eco-label of the European Union, the EU Marguerite, and is recognised by the ECO-mark integrated additionally in the logo. Hollofil spring ECO meets the strict ecological criteria of the European institutions responsible for this and ensures the same good properties as conventional varieties. Spring Hollofil Allerban is equipped with an additional component, the spring the Bausch and return power of Hollofil combined with Allerban, which is used in many DACRON comfort filling and fiber materials for duvets and pillows and in addition to the anti-microbial and anti dust mites has attributes-related properties of hypo-allergenic. The high ball and return assets of Hollofil spring make sure that a good cushion of air between the fibres is maintained, ensuring a good warmth retention and effective moisture transport. The products are easy to clean, since waschmaschinen – and tumble dried. 50 years DACRON branded fibres, ADVANSA the 50th anniversary of its brands DACRON polyester fibers for the home textile industry in Europe is celebrating this year. See more detailed opinions by reading what LEGO Papert Professor offers on the topic.. The DuPont fiber Division DACRON was originally introduced for the clothing store in the market. DuPont later extended the application range of DACRON branded fibres on the home textile sector and in 1960 introduced the first branded filling fibres for bedding from DACRON polyester in Europe.

Since that time, the brand name DACRON has evolved into the epitome for polyester fibers and is used today by ADVANSA under a variety of DACRON as a filling material in the entire bed goods segment brands. Andreas Knorr DACRON is a registered trademark under exclusive license from ADVANSA Suprelle is a registered trademark of ADVANSA Hollofil is ADVANSA a trademark under exclusive license from ADVANSA over in Europe, the Middle East and the largest European producer of polyester fibers and-filamenten is operating in Africa, ADVANSA and also a major manufacturer of polymers, specialties and intermediates on polyester base. ADVANSA is 100 percent owned by the HACI omer Sabanci holding A.S. With an annual turnover of approx. EUR 290 million and over 2 000 employees, ADVANSA has manufacturing facility in Turkey and in Germany, and a research and Development Department in Turkey. The headquarters are in the Netherlands, with sales offices in Turkey, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Shanghai, Hong Kong and the United States. Sabanci holding the Sabanci holding is the parent company of Sabanci group, the industry’s premier Turkey – and financial conglomerate. The main business areas include financial services, automotive, tyres and tyre reinforcement materials, retail, cement and energy. The Sabanci holding is listed on the Istanbul Stock Exchange and also has controlling stakes in 11 companies listed on the ISE.


Thus the suction effect is emerging from the consumer products over in the investment goods”, confirms Dieter Conzelmann, Director industry solutions market at Bizerba. His company put together a very effective rule. Engineers approach during the initial installation with customers, so that they learn there how the operator is dealing with the device – and the difficulties you encounter. That was very healing, says Conzelmann, who for many years worked in the development. In this way, it was also the use of symbols is as important in the food industry.

Also temporary workers and semi-skilled workers should control safely the machines? Words replaced to the control surfaces, where it went, memorable icons, such as pricing systems. A good example is the basic price, the operator when operating the system must change often. Since you can just instead of the text of base price change ‘ simply a symbol such as a dollar bill “or depict a coin, which then represents that it concerns a sum of money, without the word basic price ‘ to use”, explains campus. Well done for the graduate engineer Anett Dylla from the consulting firm man-Marketin technique is an important criterion: Is, if I’m going for example through a menu, where I perform a certain step and then immediately announced, what is the next step, or it is clear on the basis of symbols, what are the next steps, and come as I systematically and stringently to the destination”, not turn again 25 loops.” The infamous 25 loops know plagued callers especially of voice-driven telephone dialog systems. In a pro himself annoys not less than the normal customer waiting in the wings. Often outdated technology, so Lupo Pape, Managing Director of SemanticEdge in Berlin was to blame.

He works with his companies, to optimize voice dialogues between man and machine. The key was it not only a better speech recognition, the often lack. It could also help to combine important information about the caller and his situation, which already exist in various places, and merge, so that the customer faster to the target. When the system where I call, provided my need, if I call, because I can’t logon to my Internet so for a telecommunications provider, and knows the system that I have previously unsuccessfully tried to login, has measured the line and can respond, then I have a very different user experience”, says Pape. The personalization of the speech dialog systems through the use of many information about the customer right at the beginning and during the dialogue could resolve many problems and concerns against speech dialog systems according to his and make customers satisfied. Whether voice or keyboard input on the screen – the elementary principles for good interface design are always the same in his view. Brought to a common denominator: rather than to fight, to the machine understand want we feel understood by the machine. Editorial NeueNachricht Gunnar Sohn Ettighoffer road 26a 53123 Bonn Tel: 0228 6204474 mobile: 0177 620 44 74 E-Mail: URL:

Use Bar Code PDA Allinone Solution

Bar code PDA all-in-one solution for immediate use for the annual, daily or closing inventory in Commerce, industry, laboratories and health care many operations are similar for most users. This has prompted macro ID to provide standard software modules for the Janam PDAs of the XP series, with which software development companies in industry, individual and wholesale trade, laboratories, etc can be quickly and cost-effectively. Immediately, projects with, for example, only two devices and high development costs would be doomed to failure. That’s why macro has come up with a cheaper way of developing software IDENT. For the rugged bar code PDA XP20 and XP30, where the stable operating system PalmOS 5.4.9. Garnet runs, has developed various, inexpensive software modules macro IDENT. In particular, individual adjustments, despite the developed standard software, can be made.

INVENTORY software module contains an inventory list (article position), in which data are recorded in mobile. Already covered Positions can be changed at any time and can be deleted. The individual items in the list are numbered. In addition to manually entering part numbers of single positions of 1 d in the PDA integrated 2D bar code scanner allows a simpler, faster and above all error-free input of the number (s) by scanning the bar code of that is pasted usually on the articles. The amount is entered via the keyboard. A search for an already covered code is also included, should no longer know the staff, whether an article with was already in the inventory list. The catalog module is optionally available, which provides additional information to the article (in the import file) to the user, such as bar code, article number, article name, price, and comment. This data can also be looked up in this module.

In connection with the inventory solution is feasible then the following procedure: scan the barcode, the accompanying data from E.g. a company’s internal database are displayed by the catalog engine, it is the amount of the existing article is entered and the data be saved completely. After the complete inventory is done and all the PDA data were collected, the data from the barcode PDA to the PC via the USB / RS232 charging / communications station transfer. A CSV file is automatically created on the PC for further processing. More information: macro IDENT AutoID Technology Center, 82008 Unterhaching, Bussard Street 24, TEL. 089-615658-28, FAX 089-615658-25,, contact sales: Angelika Wilke, press contact: Magdalena Hofer.

Kawasaki Robotics

B + B Engineering & service GmbH & co. KG Neuss, June 2010 – compared to the garish neon lighting the candle lights up a room only partially, but it conveys warmth and often creates a festive and romantic setting. One more reason why candles are commonly used in the catering industry. Here they used to festivals or celebrations, to create a relaxed and festive atmosphere. Because the market requires enormous quantities, candles are now produced in fully automated production lines.

With over 25 employees, plans, designs, and produces Brademann + Barber GmbH & co. KG from Erkelenz since 1995 special – and special machines. The B & B are engineering & service GmbH & co. KG developed fully automated candle machines with a volume of up to 9,500 candles per hour and put into operation. This amounts to efficiently package and assemble, engineering & service GmbH & co. KG has developed B + B a fully automatic packaging line for household and taper candles, in the Kawasaki robots FS010E plays an important role. Upon completion of the Candle making are poured for the gastronomy from 100% stearin, the products leave the facility automatically on a conveyor and transferred to the robot Sortimentierstation. In parallel, a conveyor belt brings the different packaging to the packing station.

This band is clocked according to the speed of packaging required for filling. Arrived at the Sortimentierstation, takes a Kawasaki robot of type FS10E, equipped with a 17 fold gripper, on the amount of the candle and place it in a tray. After that the filled packaging a shrink film plant fed, closed and following delivery of ready pallets. A special quality feature of this system is the gripping tool to accommodate maximum of 17 candles. The formation of different layers, each of the 17 vacuum gripper can be separately controlled and programmed. The standard take control of each suction pad 32 inputs and outputs, which are a standard part of the robot controller. Contrary to usual trends,. is an additional input / output card thus not required. Different packing patterns are quickly and easily programmed. Currently 11 variants are used. “So for example a record every second candle is possible to taper candles packaging a stock pattern head foot” to enable. The robot handles 24 bars in its highest output level at the minute.

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