Thirty Years

The state uses the control of capital as half to acquire territories; the capitalist uses the control of the territory as half to accumulate capitals. The capitalist support to the state is conditional to its functioning as facilitador of the accumulation of capitals. Quotation as example China and Europe in centuries XIV-XV: while the capitalism is the great motivador of the European effort of acquired territories, China (superior technologically and very rich) does not have economic motivation to go to the Europe. The invention of the modern state occurs first in the renascentistas cities of northern Italy. Venice has a mercantile oligarchy that it controls the state power, with four basic characteristics: 1.Sistema capitalist of management of the state and the war. 2.Equilbrio of being able as a pledge of independence. Learn more at: Dry Harbor Rehabilitation Center.

3.Guerras conceived as industry of protection production, autocusteadas. 4.Desenvolvimento of nets of diplomacy for maintenance of the balance. To the Italian cities they had succeeded Spain. The new military technology and the flow of wealth comings of America they had produced an enormous increase in the military expenses; the military scaling and the affirmation of the national states had created enormous conflicts and social tension; the use of the religion in the conflicts of being able increased the violence. The Joined Provinces sobressaram themselves in this scene, for being the first ones to eliminate the system of medieval government. Holland appears as hegemonic power after the War of the Thirty Years. The agreements to protect the commerce in time of war celebrated in the Peace of the Westflia had created the conditions for the expansion of the capitalism; Haia remains until today as the center of the European diplomacy. Of 1652 the 1815 have the fight between France and England for the supremacy. In the first phase both had tried to annex Holland to control its commercial nets; in the second phase of the conflicts the target is the proper dutch commercial nets; geography politics of the world-wide commerce is reorganized radically: they leave scene Portuguese, Spanish and dutch; they promote Frenchmen and English in century XVIII.


The new program was presented as accomplishment of the desire of a more critical, dynamic, participativa History, finishing, thus, with linear, mechanist, etapista, positivista, factual and heroic History. The quarrels had led to the option for a History that must be rescued while science, that possesss an object and a proper method of study, and that the education of this science requires a new method and a new vision of its content. (FONSECA, 2006, p.62) and form is of this that this structuralized the workmanship History of Amazon, where it is divided in seven units and thirteen chapters, where each one of these units and chapters has varies folloied iconography of its respective legends, that are not there only with a illustrative or distrativo character, but yes, as one forms to consider questionings and quarrels through its you analyze. Beyond showing to the end of each I capitulate a complementary reading of a document or text, to visualize indications of reading concerning the contents of each chapter and activities complementary that they help in the education process learning of History. Finally, although to be a workmanship with the limitations imposed for the educational politics of the State it is of great value to not only have significant the historical knowledge concerning the History of Amazon, but also, concerning the Amaznia in accordance with the world vision proposal for its author. Source: SAINTS, Francisco Jorge of.

History of Amazon: 3 series average education. 1 ed. So Paulo: It stokes, 2007. Bibliographical references BITTENCOURT, Circe Fernandes Maria. Education of History: Beddings and Methods. 2 ed. So Paulo: Cortez, 2008. FONSECA, Thais Nvia de Lima e. History and education of History. 2 edition. Belo Horizonte: It legalizes 2006.

Constructing Objects

The objective of our article is to analyze as the virtual objects of learning can contribute as material pedagogical didactic in the education process/learning of disciplines of History of Brazil, beyond showing the relations of computer science with the education and understanding as the learning objects are produced virtual. The relevance of our article we find in the direction of that much has if to argue on this subject, therefore with the computational technologies each time more gifts in classroom we must be apt to work with the most varied material pedagogical didactic, where we fit while professors or futures professors terms relative knowledge the relations that they involve the new technologies with the pedagogical process, as well as being qualified to work with these objects in the education process/learning in the daily one of the room of lesson. The theoretical referencial, is based on articles disponibilizados in the world-wide net of computers, and with the contribution of these searched and cited authors we will be able to analyze and to understand, as the use of virtual objects of learning can dinamizar the education process, as well as the next relation between computer science and the education. Between the articles that we find we can detach of Wagner Antonio Jnior, intitled ' ' Objects of learning virtuais' ' 1, where the author presents analyses concerning references on as the virtual objects of learning are constituted, guiding, moreover, on its didactic-pedagogical applicabilities as material. Ana Cecilia Togni with the article ' ' Constructing Objects of Aprendizagem' ' 2, contribute with our analysis in the direction to show as we can construct virtual objects of learning from the technologies disponibilizadas for computer science through the use of the computers. Dbora Bittelo and Denise Viera with the article ' ' Computer science in the Education: Past new the Tecnologias' ' 3, point out concerning the use of computer science as a pedagogical didactic resource, focusing the relations between technologies of computer science and communication with the education, arguing with this, knowledge, culture, technology and society, beyond historically contextualizar the relation between education and computer science.

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