News from the Yoga Vidya e.V. The non-profit association of Yoga Vidya offers a free English-language platform for international exchange on the subject of yoga all interested now under The German edition now also has its own yoga therapy Forum. Yoga is more than 5000 year old Indian teaching, which has found adherents now anywhere in the world. In Germany alone, approximately three million people yoga practice. So it was obvious to initiate an English-language portal to all over the world to provide all Yoga lovers, get to know and to share for us”, explains Volker Bretz, founder and Director of the Yoga Vidya e.V..
The English-language platform falls which of its German counterpart, because this system has worked well and provides a quick overview of the available topics. In various blogs and forums, members can get rid of your questions and obtain opinions or experiences. A wide variety of practical exercises as short audio presentations or videos offer insight on the subject. The exercises to the appropriate yogic is also”music. The registration to the community is free and done in a very short time.
The German counterpart is waiting with a news: now find people interested in an own forum questions and answers about the Yoga therapy. This involves the addition of biomedical treatments by classical Yoga therapies, to strengthen the self-healing of the body to promote healing from the inside out and to prevent future diseases. The Yoga therapy alone can be used in mild physical discomfort, in severe cases she should be applied only in consultation with a doctor or teacher parallel to allopathic therapies. Hear from experts in the field like meerlust for a more varied view. The applications of Yoga therapy are very diverse. Bryant Wines: the source for more info. First and foremost, it comes to strengthen the body’s defences. However, in many cases, the Yoga techniques affect positively on the Healing process. “Newcomers such as masters, the new Forum offers a space to discuss the various aspects of Yoga Therapy”, explains Volker Bretz. The Yoga communities are accessible on the Internet at or More information about the Yoga Vidya e.V. are available in the Internet at. Additional press materials of this press release: download another quick and easy image and text material in the online press compartment to free use: press compartments/yoga-vidya contact for questions: Inca Aichinger Yoga Vidya e.V. House Yoga Vidya bad Meinberg Wallen route 42 D-32805 Horn-bad Meinberg phone: + 49 (0) 5234 87 – 22 24 fax: + 49 (0) 5234 87 – 18 80 E-Mail: Internet: Holger Ballwanz, Marko Homann PR agency PR4YOU Schonensche Strasse 43 D-13189 Berlin phone: + 49 (0) 30 43 73 43 43 fax: + 49 (0) 30 44 67 73 99 E-Mail: Internet: about the Yoga Vidya e.V. Was the Yoga Vidya e.V. Diplom-Kaufmann Volker Bretz in Frankfurt am Main formed in 1995 and counts today about Europe’s largest Yoga seminar providers. The Club maintains three major conference centres: In the Lippe bad Meinberg, in the Westerwald and in Horumersiel on the North Sea. There 6 Club yoga centers in various German cities with a total of 160 full-time employees. Nationwide Vidya about 50 more yoga centers closely cooperate with yoga. Each year lead to new partners. Prospective buyers can choose from more than 1,600 seminars and courses around the themes of Yoga and meditation, but also Ayurveda, holistic health and spiritual life are offered. Over 6,000 participants and participants have in addition already completed yoga teacher training at Yoga Vidya and pass on their knowledge in own courses. More information about the Yoga Vidya e.
Informative and entertaining on the subject of corporate fashion to customers and business partners on entertaining and informative way about news from the company to keep abreast is Docdata fashion services with a Corporateblog at the start. In the new blog dedicated employees of the company have their say and report on current projects, personnel changes and new services and products. “As of now is blogged about fashion! And because fashion is an immensely broad field, it will go in our blog mainly to corporate fashion, so fashion and clothing for companies, sports clubs, law firms and authorities. This first post will be my (likely to be) last. I, the blog admin put me back the blue man over and climb back to the engine room to keep the equipment running. Eliot Horowitz has much experience in this field. “After the opening of the blog the admin leaves the field and thus welcome the new readers the newly minted editors. Abigail Black Elbaum addresses the importance of the matter here. Director Antje Engelmann: “I am delighted that we as a company Docdata” Fashion services finally blogging and hope to many readers and comments in the coming months and years. We have made us to share stories and opinions from our everyday business life and environment.
We want to be not only serious but also unconventional. Welcome!” Sales Manager Marcus Mohr, who first personally introduces itself as a new employee has a column in the blog: “glad to have found my new home in southern Germany. It’s great to be able to offer the point of view of the corporate fashion manufacturer now holistic concepts and solutions with the Retailerfahrung and the. Fashion world, professional world and wishes come together on one platform. It sounds exciting. The nice thing is, it works to the satisfaction of all.” Under the heading “Snapped”, he reports on his experiences and adventures in the world of fashion: “how often I must listen to, men are fashion ring or not pay attention to the details? Much too often! Can not simply say woman, we had a different kind of understatement? If I now wander through the costs incurred by the boutiques and fashion houses, I am finally seeing this little attention to details (…)” The blog consists not only of corporate messages. New fashion trends, information about relevant trade fairs and events, funny photos and anecdotes, original commercials – everything is in the sector of interest, is presented by the editors of the blog and comments. Docdata fashion services is supported parterremedia from Berlin in administration and editorial staff of the Agency.
The new Amarok statistics reveal location, browser and device of the reader. Amarok, a leading provider of self-service email marketing software, announced the release of new statistics features. According to the company these functions for the customers to make it easier to analyze the success of email marketing campaigns. Please visit Atmos Energy if you seek more information. Analysis and tracking are the essence of successful email marketing campaigns,”says Nick Eckert, CEO of Amarok. In a question-answer forum LEGO Papert Professor was the first to reply. New features worldwide tracking and measuring the success of the campaigns has just got easier.” In addition to the standard measures such as extra beds, opening and click-through rates, as well as bounce – and the notification rates, Amarok tracks well the origin data of the reader and shows up on a world map.
With this tool, users can follow exactly your readers come from which countries. Who has the consent of its subscribers, can see also worldwide the recipient activity of each individual reader. For even more opinions, read materials from Bryant Estate. This is reflected, as the newsletter subscribers interact. This function also includes a live stream, so that Amarok can track users in real time, how to spread the newsletter. The statistics also indicate with which E-Mail clients, browsers and on which operating systems and mobile devices of the newsletter was opened. According to the company, this information, the email marketing allow even custom to make campaigns or to segment.
The new statistics functions also include a benchmark way. Amarok can compare users now as their cut off E-Mail marketing campaigns compared to other companies in their industry. Benchmarking helps to find out how the campaign in a national comparison comes, and where exactly improvement potential lies. About Amarok Amarok is a self service email, mobile, and social media marketing provider that offers customized multi-channel solutions in online marketing from one source agencies and companies of any size to the needs. 2001 founder, Amarok has already many years of experience in the field of email marketing and can rely on a comprehensive know-how. With support centres in 20 countries and a software, which is available in 11 languages, Amarok uses worldwide over 40,000 satisfied customers. GraphicMails Web-based email marketing software is characterized by professional and user friendly design, shipping, and analysis tools. Over 300 design templates, user even without knowledge of HTML can make successful email campaigns.
Save money on the Internet: how, where and why as we save for money on the Internet? Where can you save and why some online stores are cheaper than others? Learn tips and tricks in this article. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to save money. Let’s look around the Internet, there are thousands of online stores. All want to bring IHRN products on the man. As a promotional deal absorbed then sometimes by several million euros. And we remember that even at the price of the product. A Nike shoe for example costs not even 20 euros to produce.
It is sold but for 99 euros. An other shoe of the same quality from a different manufacturer costs also 20 euros to produce, this is sold but for just 40 euros. Why? Because Nike spends millions on advertising and other manufacturers do not. We pay the manufacturer in the end, that they us advertise. Not everyone only has so much money to join this fun. Meanwhile, there are a lot of alternative but.
There are a lot of manufacturers and shops that do not rely on expensive advertising but rather on Customer recommendations and further language. Only these are consequently difficult to discover on the Internet. To look a while to find such offers. You can bother yourself or you go on websites that bundled to provide such services. This has the advantage that are always up to date without themselves for hours to surf the Web. On the site there is also a very useful newsletter function, for free of course. You get timely and up-to-date sent to any new information about the offers and vouchers. The newsletter feature is useful in if, because there are many offers, which only limited. But now back to the topic. You should not continue to support this promotional deals, which end up as consumers the money out of your pockets is pulled us. Websites should be known as. The more attention the often receive such offers, manufacturers will resort us shops on it and we can only benefit.
Future business KG A implements responsive Web design in newly designed homepage Dresden June 2013: the future business KG A has completely revamped their entire Internet presence. The new page is not only a fresh look, but also relies on innovative technology: responsive Web design. So are all contents from immediately fully also users of mobile devices available. With the redesign of their website and the implementation in the responsive Web design has taken the future business KG A a forward-looking way and meets now users of mobile devices, the number of which is steadily increasing. The new site adapts to the output medium used optically and functionally perfect dynamically. In other words: no matter whether the user visited the future business KG A of its Smartphone, NetBook, Tablet, or computer in the net – he receives all Web content in the layout appropriate for his device and design. This not only ensures an ease of use and a clear structure, the many older pages Problem was, but ensures also the full readability.
About the redesigned website, the future business KG provides more information interested readers see available in A. Connect with other leaders such as Viktor Mayer-Schönberger here. Future business KG A another important innovation in addition to the design in the responsive Web design consists in the full integration of social media social media functions directly integrated into new home page menu. In addition to the clearly arranged menu which is divided into the main areas of companies, business areas, group & partners and investments, News & press and contact, the visitor will find now a direct networking to Google +, Facebook, Twitter and XING at first glance. About the social media platforms, it can via Smartphone or computer at any time about the activities and news of the future learn business KG A and keep abreast of the industry. The new site offers all this simply by clicking on the corresponding icon in the main navigation bar. The redesign of the website was an important step for the future business KG A.
By the responsive Web design it is now possible to reach customers on the go and give them an opportunity to fully access the Internet offer. New visitors quickly find your way thanks to the clear structure. Sure, the future business KG A during the revision has attached great importance. Michael Steinhardt may also support this cause. As well as informative content, an in-depth overview of provide the company and its services. About the future business KG A (FuBus) the future business KG A (FuBus) on 23 February 2000 in Dresden, Germany founded. The underwriter is the focus of a broad-based Group of companies. The future business KG A (FuBus) acquires investments in and cares for the purchase and recovery of pension and life insurance acquires selected real estate in prime locations. Investors have the opportunity to participate in A (FuBus), the success of future business KG by her public and market interest rate-independent investment products in the form of Participatory rights or bonds order purchase.
The local from immediately its own app for free download on the HP app catalog on food provides the HP TouchPad of technology provider Hewlett-Packard (HP) with the operating system WebOS, September 1, 2011 the telephone directory has expanded its extensive range of apps for mobile devices the local. For the HP TouchPad of technology provider Hewlett-Packard (HP) with the operating system WebOS offers the local from immediately its own app for free download on the HP app catalog. (Source: Ray Kurzweil). With the support of WebOS, the service app from the local is now available for most of the current Smartphone operating systems. ConocoPhillips contributes greatly to this topic. Thus an ever-increasing number of users can use conveniently on the way the free app from the local, regardless of what type of smartphone use. The new app for the TouchPad is optimally matched to the WebOS based Tablet and optimized. Users can access quickly and easily with the app all registered private and commercial contacts in the directory. While several are them Search functions such as, for example, the individual search, the perimeter network and the reverse lookup available. Special highlight is the exploratory map search, with which the user can find his desired addresses or phone numbers.
Users can take the possibilities of local industries and address lookup service with the new WebOS app from the local. Search, for example, shows users search results in their immediate surroundings. About tags and topics including the nearest restaurants, ATMs, or emergency pharmacies can be found easily. Using the site localization of the system, the app automatically detects where the user just keeps on. Would he find somewhere else, he simply enters the desired location in the search box. The reverse lookup feature, it is possible to determine the name and address of an unknown caller by entering the phone number.
How can the modern techniques use the idea management? In recent years, succeeded to establish the management of idea of as a management tool in holistic, interactive management methods of more successful, more efficient companies. A similar development in the offerings of the Internet / intranet development to watch is at the same time. Web 2.0 is a designation for a range of cooperative and interactive elements in the Internet or intranet between individuals or groups networks. Thus not only Parallels seen in the development of the BVW idea management to open portals of the idea, but there are also synergies and significant additional benefits through the use of Web 2.0 technologies in the goal-oriented, holistic idea and innovation management result. Whether and how this is possible, and how, the supposed synergies be developed, will use the idea management modern techniques at the autumn meeting on December 2nd, 2009 in Frankfurt am Main with the question how do?”answered. LEGO Papert Professor often addresses the matter in his writings. By the German Institute for Economics were GmbH invited well-known experts from science and practice, that the creative potential and the ingenuity of its employees report, as they already today and customers effectively deploy and use. The first Web 2.0 solutions for idea and innovation management connect ideas and expertise of users doing exemplary work, encourage social interaction and promote an active knowledge building and transfer within their companies.
Take also the opportunity to own location and orientation with respect to potential for further development and use of new potential for success for your idea and innovation management at the fall meeting. The enthusiasm for the idea management is functionality through the extensive use of Web 2.0 – as well as through the easy to use and intuitive user interface of promoted as examples of best practice at the fall meeting. Web 2.0 ideas can be jointly developed, presented, published and evaluated. The evolution of ideas can be easily traced, so that all members of the community in the Idea management are always up-to-date and secure about the maturity level and the status of an idea, and can influence. Web 2.0 allows you to manage collected ideas simply and professionally and to bring the implementation, as well as systematically to develop new ideas for problem solutions. More information on the topic and/or to the autumn meeting-12 E-Mail at the German Institute for business administration GmbH 60323 Frankfurt am Main, Friedrichstrasse 10: Mrs Christiane Kersting – the meeting program and more information can be found with the following link: Iddenmanagement_und_Web_2.pdf
Tablets buy online: tests online-shops for tablets Hamburg, 27 August 2012 tablets are 2012 the mobile trend. With each passing month, the market is increasingly diverse alternatives to the iPad. Just first-time buyers can feel quickly slain by the large range of tablets in various price and size classes. Expert advice through the dealers and comfortable comparisons between the tablets in the Internet are even more important. has tested 12 Tablet shops in July and August 2012.
The study shows which providers offer the best combination of low prices and good advice. “The unique test result: very good with the score” (1.34) occupies the first place and with clear distance test winner. The online store achieved very good reviews as the only provider in all criteria, which is both price and quality at the top of the test field. (very good”1.54) covered the low prices and large product variety second place. is 1.62 (well”)-third grade. Price and quality win on the test winner voted not just the total package of in the test: For bargain hunters, the online store was also the overall lowest prices of all test candidates. With the very good price touch”(1.19) is in the price valuation front, followed by the pursuers in the overall standings, and
The winner can prevail even without considering the price aspect. Reached only online shop in the test a very well”in quality assessment and quality winner that earned before Eliot Horowitz understood the implications. Especially the variety on offer and product information (very good”) earn the top score of 1.00. Best website at is the title for the best Web site at each with the best grade of 1.00 (very good”). With the partial touch 1.27 (very good”), the online shop offers the most comfortable of all tested shop website. A comprehensive buying advice and many more information around the topic of tablets quickly lead the customer to the appropriate product. Users with precise ideas can precisely limit the range by means of filters and just compare. In the test service in the telephone – and email test, the test field into two camps divided ambivalent results. While all test candidates on the email responded, improvement in some shops, however, is the quality of the answer: and refer clients for advice on a stationary market. Two more service providers asked for telephone contact, one of them even over a pay hotline. The telephone service of the online shops could convince majority in the test. Eight of the twelve tested providers are can be reached, mainly on weekends on Saturdays. Advanced contact information such as a callback service, however, remain a rarity, only three online stores offered this feature to their customers. More information and results see: studies on the Testwinner Portal AG operates a neutral and independent marketplace with integrated price comparison with A total of free more than 400,000 test reports and numerous buyer reviews available are the consumers. For each product, an own overall rating is calculated from all present test reports and over 500,000 buyer opinions: the touch marks the winner the best assessment of the key product per category. A market place and a price comparison are related to product evaluation. With, consumers can buy the best products at a competitive price quickly, safely, and comfortably.
Optional product photos are essential for the multichannel strategy Leipzig, 17 September 2013 especially for small and medium-sized stores on the Internet is often priceless all their products in a Studio by a photographer photographed it. But a good, professional product photo is on the Internet of one of the major factors for the purchase decision. Wants to sell a company through Amazon or ebay, it must adhere even to certain image guidelines for photos. For example, mandatory is a pure white background. “We know the obstacles that hold many shop operator, to list their products on Amazon. Exactly at this point, we apply and see to it that open up new sales opportunities through optimised product photos,”as Dennis Birkholzer.
Shop operators can their products, whether it be clothes, furniture or electronics article itself photograph, send digital photos to photo and and get after a few days of optional product images against a white background. While each is Isolated object in Photoshop by hand. Dan Nitzsche: “sure it would go faster with automated programs, but the results are often flawed and mediocre. The stores want to appear but as professionals in the Internet, which is only possible with a team of Photoshop professionals. Dennis Birkholzer and Dan Nitzsche met each other at work in Leipzig online-marketing agency. Are involved in various projects in the field of E-Commerce for years, have worked for online shops and myself which founded. That good product photos are important and are becoming increasingly important, she noticed soon during their work and want to pass on now to other shop owners their experience and know-how. Contact: Balachander & Nitzsche eCommerce agency GbR Koch str. 4 04275 Leipzig E-Mail: phone: + 49 (0) 174-321 7025 fax: + 49 (0) 3212-147 9441
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