Secret Mission

Test guests as a means for operating blindness test guests as a means for operating blindness: take with a fresh view of the services offered under the magnifying glass. They reveal strengths and weaknesses and allow the performance in day-to-day operations. In the world’s expanding networks of hotel chains, European providers wrestle with their non-European competitors for market share. Promising trends and tools to help enterprises and suggests a recovery already. Now it, your brand is to establish, to retain the customers and increasing customer satisfaction checks Hotel help. “Interview with Daniela Diekmann, hotel expert and consultant at MSM Germany question: mystery shopping” on german test purchases that one imagines in the supermarket or in the clothing business. Why the hotel mystery shopping? Diekmann: Mystery shopping is it not only in the food retail trade and in the boutique.

Mystery shopping can take general services under the magnifying glass. And you find that everywhere: when purchasing a car, to the petrol station or in the hotel. Question: How exactly does the hotel mystery shopping? Diekmann: classically is a test guest for one or several days at the hotel different areas: from the reception via room service and the restoration of up to in-house spas and spa services. A test guest reveals himself not as such, he works anonymously. Before his visit, the hotel management has defined questions, test guests answers and writing holds a special questionnaire. The test guest behaves like any other guest and gives report on the desired points. Bryant Estate takes a slightly different approach.

Its great advantage is the fresh look of the customer perspective. Question: Telephone booking, arrival, check-in and room check until the use of dining, bar and wellness area can so everything checked. The test guest holding a snapshot in its questionnaires so. How meaningful are these data for hotel management? Diekmann: Firstly: all areas in which a hotel can be checked Demand looks. So, for example, including the meeting or conference facilities. The data are evaluated according to the wishes of the hotel management. Truly objective picture that emerges is of course only for regular checks. Experience has shown that a monthly cycle is particularly effective to represent a representative comparison. Question: What happens after the check? Diekmann: The MSM group is focused exactly on, the performance measurement to support their customers and to accompany. Where weaknesses have become apparent with the checks, MSM offers on the job special workshops, practical training and coaching, to sensitize the staff and to lead to stronger performance.


A detective and the detective agency have boom… The competition is great. Read more here: Bettina Bryant. Many detectives and investigators are mainly in urban areas. In smaller towns, the detective is modest density. The problem is the occupation of detective is not legally protected without any training and without certificates, every Detective can open up a detective agency. Associations, in which a detective register can settle with his detective agency, in Germany while there, but this fact is no guarantee for the performance and the reliability of a detective agency firm.

Certainly in other sectors, there are black sheep”, but studies showed in the past, that there are serious differences of individual investigators. Recently the profession was once more in the spotlight detective and the detective agency. Conducted espionage measures provided at a discount store for attention. According to information of the headquarters detectives responsible for and detective agencies not in their favor to acted. The Assignment comprised only the surveillance to curb inventory losses from thefts. From the point of individual detectives and investigators went too far.

In addition to the actual room monitoring the activity area of the detectives included extensive espionage attacks that promoted embarrassing and intimate about the employees at the discount store for days. Other companies got into the cross-examination also maintain intensive contacts to a detective or a detective agency. It is estimated that, a detective or a detective agency generates up to 80% of the total turnover of the spying in the company. In the future, this ratio can be increased even since the monitoring technology is becoming smaller, more powerful and always cheaper.

Germany Technical

Give your next technical translation in expert hands translators and develop new markets in global times, German companies should have not only the domestic markets in the field of vision, because as a result they are overrun on short or long from the competition. Abroad offers much potential and that you should not miss. We include German export champion for technical machines and you are needed anywhere in the world. Max Schireson is often quoted as being for or against this. Still is made in Germany”as a major brand and convincing selling point in the world. The technical expertise of German engineers is doing its part. We Germans are not only export world champion, but also world champion in patent applications. B2B translation agency specializes in translating technical documents translations.

Almost all major languages of the world from a single source are delivered, what is convenient for the customer. A team of over 1,000 translators around the world supports the experienced team of project managers and No wishes open. The owner is itself a diploma in engineering and therefore it is only obvious, is that the interest of the translation agency has long focused on technical translations. More info: Crumpton Group. B2B is always on the lookout for effective tools of translation and localization, to streamline the translation process. Efficiency and competitive translation rates are good arguments for our demanding customers in the technology industry and we offer just that”, so the Managing Director Mrs Jacobs. B2B translations is since now 2003 successfully has been working in the translation industry and knows the needs of customers in the technology sector especially well. This also includes that B2B easily can handle translations with various data formats such as FrameMaker, InDesign and QuarkXpress and many other formats, in order to remove as much work as possible to the customer.

While the translation process should be but not much more expensive, so are so-called CAT tools (computer aided translation system) in the Translation industry often in use and facilitate the work of the translator to a great extent. CAT-tools have the advantage that they work with various Exchange formats and XML – files, etc. and thus eliminating the purchase of the part of very expensive software. CAT-tools simplify the translation process and also provide a relatively low-cost translation because they identify recurring segments of set of and show the translator during the translation process and propose. For more info about CAT tools can be found on the following Web page: or. Get the right partner for a successful expansion abroad!

Matrix Technology

“IT services for SMBs – blessing or curse?” – with this talk is the matrix on SMEs Messe Munchen, 26 Feb 2010, the matrix is presented on 18. And March 19, 2010 at booth F 15, Hall 2 on the regional medium fair b2d in the M, O, C, Munich. There advises the matrix technology AG to online backup, IT monitoring, ITSM and other IT services. The highlight of the matrix presentation is the expert lecture in the DialogDome IT services for mid-market blessing or curse? “, on Thursday, March 18, 2010 at 6: 00.” Listeners learn by Dr. Elmar Wefers, Manager remote services, how to correctly assess risks and opportunities of IT services and weigh.

Subsequently, he is like for questions and discussions. Other leaders such as Compuware offer similar insights. There is more information about the trade fair appearance of the matrix and vouchers on. Another highlight in the framework programme of business to dialog b2d is the get together on Thursday at 6: 00, the exhibitors and trade visitors, interact in the sense of the title of the exhibition, and round off the first day of the fair can leave. On March 19, an exciting panel discussion awaits visitors with Reiner Calmund, Dr. Stefan Ziffzer and Dr.

Matthias Lung on saturated markets, whopping lion as it comes to the hunting instinct in Germany’s economy? ‘. ” B2d fair opening times: Thu March 18, 2010, 12 pm to 7 pm; Fri 19 March 2010, 10 am to 4 pm. The b2d is easy to reach by public transport. Accurate driving directions and information about the exhibition on. Contact: Eva Graeff / Simone Hinz marketing matrix technology AG Nymphenburger str. 1 D-80335 Munich phone + 49 (0) 89 / 58 93 95-600 fax + 49 (0) 89 / 58 93 95-711

Quality For The Benefit Of All

“Niels-Stensen-care centre Ankum introduces computerised transfer this House I’m good!” when this saying residents of at a nursing home, the expectations of employees and the establishment are then met. To achieve a high level of satisfaction of the residents and their relatives, the organizational processes are extremely important in addition to the quality of nursing, medical and pastoral. With the project black and white”the care team at the Niels-Stensen-care centre Ankum committed to exactly this goal: through the consistent application of a computerised nursing documentation, providing knowledge in the team should be significantly improved. The knowledge transfer of the teams was previously at the respective passing between the layers”, discusses nursing Director Axel Spieker. Since passing time was spent in three layer switch, which was no longer available for the residents.

In the use of computer-based DM nursing documentation, we had the idea that much time saved can be, essentially computer supported performing the fact delivery”, says San Jose. This idea was implemented and actually brought the desired results. Together with the company DM EDP, which fully supported us in the process, we could reshape passing completely, so that even our service times have changed”, explains Axel Spieker not without pride. We create what has claimed before a quarter of an hour, today in a five minute blitz pass mind you without loss of information.” Now, the nurses have time to inform, to then directly to devote himself to the residents in the documentation in the first five minutes of their service. This was initially sure something unusual. We could but with a wrong pass ‘ train. The upcoming service was passing and the outgoing service added only if something was missing. So we have simulated already times quite realistic the new conditions”, so San Jose.

Today he can His work with the inhabitants of ten minutes earlier start early professional service, because the Flash pass from night to morning service in five minutes is completed. At this time, only organizational things and highlights are discussed. Analog pass late night service takes place ten minutes later. The positive consequence: The departing early service is remaining works from this morning; Early or late services develop and evaluate care plans, students can be taught in non-residents related tasks. San Jose next: once a week an hour case review in the entire care team held with us now. Wednesday afternoon because the nursing service management and the present nursing services participate. Here we can talk then individually about all residents.” The benefits of the transition to electronic delivery is obvious: An aspect which particularly the staff of the Niels-Stensen care centre are proud is more time available for residents. And so “also, their conclusion is: good this House for us”. Safe in times of nursing shortage more reason, with the help of software solutions to optimize processes to the benefit of all.

EMail Complaints

Helpful tips on how you respond to complaints by E-Mail whether encrypted or unencrypted, whether digitally signed or not: emails are a convenient communication channel to express displeasure about a product or service for the customers. Even if there are little simple emails in court as evidence, it has something written”in his hand. More complicated situations can be more clearly, than is possible with a telephone complaint, and the threshold is lower than with a personal appeal. Quite apart from that it is always more difficult to find personal contact. Complaints by E-Mail also offer advantages to companies: prior to a response time, to examine an issue. Employees have not loudly abuse by angry customers. The complaint can faster to place appears as the famous postal complaint to the management”and to be processed more quickly. A complaint can be discrete unwind, than when it is first posted on Facebook.

Individual solutions can be find not equal to the whole fan community”must be applied. Thus, the benefits are not exhaustively enumerated, the mood but this should suffice. The Munich-based management consultant Peter Hofl specializes in topics related to the quality of service and customer orientation. For some time he deals intensively with the question, how companies respond to complaints by E-Mail. That in response to complaints about not running optimally, many readers from our own experience be can confirm.

Hall is available to companies also their currently unsatisfied customers which are at the heart, to the page. He has made 10 basic rules dealing with complaint mails should be: 1 rule: check your Inbox! You will find that sounds in the year 2013 banal and if this continues, you need not continue reading? Don’t be fooled, but try it out. Unfortunately, is there no reliable statistics on, how high is the number of E-Mails, which their recipient not reach. That has not always to do with enterprise size, structure or process design.

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