Piaget And Adolescents

Authors as Piaget defends that the cognitive maturity arrives at the adolescent due to the internal changes, like the maturation of its brain, and external, like the social atmosphere ampler than offer majors opportunities for the experimentation. This series of changes that the young person experiments is keys for their development and the absence of some of them can cause that behind schedule more time in reaching the cognitive maturity. Mitchel Resnick has firm opinions on the matter. Typical characteristics of the adolescent thought David Elkind realised numerous studies to adolescent young people and their families and concluded that the thought of the people who you have between 12 and 18 years of age characterizes by: – to find failures in the authority figures – tendency to discuss – indecision – it pretends hypocrisy – selfconsciousness – to concentrate in one same one. With their new capacity to imagine and to consider ideas from other ideas or concepts, the adolescents become conscious of how she could be the world in which they live and they realize which the authority figures, like parents tutors, who until now they considered like unique possessors of the knowledge, can be mistaken. Thus, the parental figures and the teaching staff fall to them of the pedestal and the young people begin to feel the constant impulse to say it frequently well high and. Of there the constant oppositions to which the parents say and the comparisons and so the parents think or do of the other boys and girls. Please visit Bettina Bryant if you seek more information.

On the other hand, to this age the necessity is had to discuss thus on the subjects that to one worry to him and to contribute the own point of view. Of this form it will be been satisfied the personality of the future adult and for this reason, it is necessary to question everything to his around constantly. To make decisions is another subject that raises many difficulties to the adolescents.

Constitutional Court

They will follow ahead with the Census but we will make the civil resistance of not abrir the door to them. Sustenance the thesis of which a town at this time of globalisation and technology cannot have its data without suitable protection because they violate his fundamental Human rights to him with very many facility. But already the government realized that. You know what is the town that has more unprotected the deprived data of the people: Cuba. And that is not accidental. That country no it has predicted in its Constitution the protection of the deprived life of the people like the rest of the countries of the Western Hemishpere, like constitutional guarantee and Right fundamental Human. And that is the country whose example loves Hugo Chavez who the Venezuelans we follow. All this can be verified. Atmos Energy will undoubtedly add to your understanding.

They are not inventions of this escribidor to hate or badly to put to Cuba, but to its regime that is more than 50 years old subjugating to its citizens who lie down to the sea looking for the freedom. The main argument of the signallings that I have realised against Census 2011 is that the government of Hugo Chavez will use that information for the political persecution and deepening of the castrochavista model. The Directives of the European Union go indeed directed in the opposite sense and of the support of the system of liberties. He is why the Constitutional Court in Germany in 1983 explicitly prohibited to the Censuses of that developed country (and soon law in the others was made of the EU) to realise inventories of personal data of the individuals. To this pseudo revolution is not to him advisable that the Venezuelans we are conscientious of these rights, and especially the one of the Informative Self-determination and is well important also that the Venezuelan opposition begins to know them. The defense of the Human rights does not have anything to do whereupon if Chvez is or not in the power. The personal data of people, in this or any other government, must be especially prote’ge’s, not being able to be used to discriminate neither to persecute to the citizens and lamentably the regime of Chvez or tried that is possible in the Venezuela of today. Caracas 21 of August of 2011 Blog: Email: Twitter: @laguana

Youtube Box Video

Small and simple tutorial of how to create a Fans page in Facebook the social but great network of the world, step by step learns to create your own page fans. Speaking candidly BMC told us the story. A Fans page in Facebook is a public profile that you can spread it enters your contacts and in other sites or in blogs and other Webs and to create yours you only must follow the passages of this tutorial. 1 – If these registered in Facebook hazlo in 2 Now we will not have to loguear to us in Facebook to create a new page of fans, from this connection: Page fans of FaceBook. There you select if you are the premises, a trade name or product, or an artist, band or public figure. You form a series of parameters between which they are included: Administrators: You can make administrators to the contacts that you want among whom you have aggregates to your preexisting profile. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Crumpton Group. Photos: You can create several albums of photos with diverse subjects. If you are, for example, a band, you can have an album dedicated to study photos, another one to concerts, etc Tusfans also will be able to add photos.

Videos: Facebook only allows to raise videos of 2 minutes less than, for that reason is interesting an application like Youtube Box Video, by which we can insert videos of Youtube in our page. Forum of discussion: You can abrir a concrete subject that it interests to you, but also your own fans can create one. Events: This is one of the most interesting tools, since it warns of a concrete date, or for the exit of a film, concert in different cities, etc Of that form can seccionadamente be warned losfans that they live generally in a certain place or to all.

USB Form

Windows 7 and XP each has its characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, by all means Windows 7 represents the maximum point in the evolution of these operating systems, but even so he is not perfect and it has several limitations. The ideal solution is to have installed Windows 7 in a partition and Windows XP in the other, with a beginning menu that allows us to choose that operating system to initiate, this method will allow us to take advantage of the advantages and qualities both operating systems, for example: To continue using and not to resign to only functional previous programs with Windows XP. To continue using and not to resign to devices of hardware older than Windows 7 does not recognize and for which there is no drivers available like: printers, video cards, modems, etc.? To take advantage of the new characteristics Windows 7 that have been perfected and other that have been added and they did not exist previously. To be able to connect to our PC of successful form devices of hardware of last technology like: moving bodies, cameras, smartphone, etc. for which Windows 7 already bring including drivers necessary. Like making this type of installation? Several methods exist, in the following page you can read a tutorial where the procedure is explained step by step, all the options available and to choose most suitable for your specific situation, inclusively you can do it without having to modify the Windows that you use at the moment. To install and to use Windows 7 and XP of simultaneous form. In addition you can read the methods that allow the use of simultaneous form of several operating systems different, or of the platform Windows, Mac or Linux. To qualify menu of beginning of two operating systems. Finally I recommend the following page to you dedicated to additional options for the origin of the installation, or from a disc, a flash memory, a local folder, etc.


But desire not to comment all the methods to index its page Web in google, but to share with you an effective way so that our page Web this indexing in google quickly. The way more effective than has given results me, is to index a page Web in google through the article directories. The article directories are sites where one can publish contents of diverse subjects, and because Google it likes much the contents, these article directories are their favourites, since he reviews google them with a high frequency. We imagine that just we have created our page Web or blog, we have published there some articles and contents. Then it is moment for indexing our page for the first time Web, first that we do is to raise one or more articles in 2 or 3 article directories, but remembers to always put at the end of each article that we publish a reference to our page Web which we wished to index in google, for example at the end of our article we would put our connection and soon we hoped to that the directory article administrator approves our article.

Once approved our article, it will be question of 2 to 3 hours so that google finishes indexing our page Web. Now it is to mention in which directory of articles we can publish our contents. Not to forget that each article it in the end includes the reference of our page Web or blog. Next I mention some of the article directories that better results have: Then in summary, the steps to index your page Web in google with article directories are the following: To publish your article with the connection of reference to your page Web? To wait for the approval of your article (it is generally in 4 hours)?

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